Splashify v2 Demo

Allowsuserstosetdesktopbackgroundsfromavastcollectionofphotostakenbyphotographersworldwidewithasingleclick.,Choosefrom500k+stunningphotostakenbyamazingphotographersfromaroundtheworldandsetthemasyourdesktopbackgroundwith1-click.PoweredbyUnsplash ....。參考影片的文章的如下:


Splashify v2 - Overview

Allows users to set desktop backgrounds from a vast collection of photos taken by photographers worldwide with a single click.

Splashify on the Mac App Store

Choose from 500k+ stunning photos taken by amazing photographers from around the world and set them as your desktop background with 1-click. Powered by Unsplash ...


Splashify v2 is here. A ground-up rewrite with an improved UI and new features. Check out Splashify v2 →. Splashify v1 will remain available for free ...


Splashify v2 is here. A ground-up rewrite with an improved UI and new features. Check out Splashify v2 →. Splashify v1 will remain available for free ...


Choose from 500k+ stunning photos taken by amazing photographers from around the world and set them as your desktop background with 1-click.


Choose from thousands of stunning photos taken by amazing photographers from around the world and set them as your desktop background in a single click.

Splashify v2

Splashify v2 is a desktop wallpaper app for Mac & Windows. Choose from 500k+ stunning photos taken by amazing photographers from around the world and set ...


Allowsuserstosetdesktopbackgroundsfromavastcollectionofphotostakenbyphotographersworldwidewithasingleclick.,Choosefrom500k+stunningphotostakenbyamazingphotographersfromaroundtheworldandsetthemasyourdesktopbackgroundwith1-click.PoweredbyUnsplash ...,Splashifyv2ishere.Aground-uprewritewithanimprovedUIandnewfeatures.CheckoutSplashifyv2→.Splashifyv1willremainavailableforfree ...,Splashifyv2ishere....