
Download the Musixmatch app

The coolest music experience. Wherever you are. Listen and contribute to your favorite music. Join our community now.


2022年10月5日 — Musixmatch is (for now) only supported on Android and iOS. You'll need an Android emulator to run Musixmatch on Windows.


Windows 10 Pro x64. I can't find lyrics in Spotify app on Microsoft Store. So I downloaded Musixmatch to find the lyrics. It needs me to login to Spotify ...


2024年3月10日 — A Spotify account, using our ad-supported free service, is all you need! You can use it to add, edit, and sync your lyrics through Musixmatch.


Solved: what app can i get for windows 10 for having lyrics when playing spotify. ... download Musixmatch Desktop on Windows Store. View solution in ...

Lyrics Musixmatch on Desktop

2020年7月1日 — I can access the lyrics in the iOS app, but not on the desktop. Does that feature exist on the desktop? If so, how do I access it? Plan. Premium.

Musixmatch Desktop for Windows 10

The Musixmatch desktop app brings you synchronized lyrics to any song that's currently playing in your Spotify, iTunes or Windows Media Player.

Spotify needs to ditch Musixmatch

2024年3月3日 — Musixmatch provides blatantly incorrect lyrics to millions of songs on Spotify. For example, Our Truth by Lacuna Coil has several incorrect lyrics that are ...

教你如何在Spotify 電腦版顯示歌詞(Windows10 適用)

2019年8月5日 — 開啟Musixmatch Lyrics 應用程式,介面簡潔好看,點選「Connect Spotify」,將Spotify 與之連結。 Spotify 電腦版歌詞- Musixmatch Lyrics. 接著點選「Open ...


Thecoolestmusicexperience.Whereveryouare.Listenandcontributetoyourfavoritemusic.Joinourcommunitynow.,2022年10月5日—Musixmatchis(fornow)onlysupportedonAndroidandiOS.You'llneedanAndroidemulatortorunMusixmatchonWindows.,Windows10Prox64.Ican'tfindlyricsinSpotifyapponMicrosoftStore.SoIdownloadedMusixmatchtofindthelyrics.ItneedsmetologintoSpotify ...,2024年3月10日—ASpotifyaccount,usingourad-supporte...

Spotify 終於可以顯示歌詞,教你如何啟用

Spotify 終於可以顯示歌詞,教你如何啟用
