Stamping Techniques and Basics for Beginners

1.Tostrikebeat,orpressforciblywiththebottomofthefoot,orbythrustingthefootdownward.Hefrets,hefumes,hestares,hestampstheground.-- ...,stamp名—·印花·印章·图章·大印·章子·打印·戳记·加盖名.·.踏名.·.利得名.·.戳儿名.·.戳子名.·.踩 ...,7天前·STAMP翻譯:信...。參考影片的文章的如下:



1. To strike beat, or press forcibly with the bottom of the foot, or by thrusting the foot downward. He frets, he fumes, he stares, he stamps the ground. -- ...

for stamping - 英中 - Linguee

stamp 名 — · 印花 · 印章 · 图章 · 大印 · 章子 · 打印 · 戳记 · 加盖 名. ·. 踏 名. ·. 利得 名. ·. 戳儿 名. ·. 戳子 名. ·. 踩 ...


7 天前 · STAMP翻譯:信函, 郵票, 標記, 印,戳,章;印記,戳記, 印花(稅票), 特性, 標記,特徵;痕跡,烙印, 腳, (常指爲表示生氣)跺(腳);重踏,重踩, 標記, 蓋印; ...


STAMPING的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. present participle of stamp 2. to put a mark on an object either by printing on it or pushing…。了解更多。

Stamping (metalworking)

Stamping (also known as pressing) is the process of placing flat sheet metal in either blank or coil form into a stamping press where a tool and die surface ...


stamping. stamp的動詞現在分詞、動名詞. Dr.eye 譯典通 ; stamping. 沖件. PyDict ; stampings. 沖壓廢料. PyDict ; stamping ground. n. · 常去的地方. 牛津中文字典 ...


stamping. stamp的動詞現在分詞、動名詞. Dr.eye 譯典通 ; stamping. 沖件. PyDict ; stampings. 沖壓廢料. PyDict ; stamping ground · ph. 常聚處;喜聚處;落腳處. Dr.eye 譯 ...

stamping 的中文翻釋|VoiceTube 看影片學英語

v. 蓋印記,蓋戳記;標記,特徵;痕跡,烙印;蓋印;印上標記;用力踩,使勁踏. Footer. Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play. 關於.


沖壓是製造大量板金料件時最具成本效益的方式。我們是此領域累積超過60年經驗的專家,並具有多種設備,能製造各種尺寸的料件。此外,我們透過增加產能、簡化量產流程並 ...


1.Tostrikebeat,orpressforciblywiththebottomofthefoot,orbythrustingthefootdownward.Hefrets,hefumes,hestares,hestampstheground.-- ...,stamp名—·印花·印章·图章·大印·章子·打印·戳记·加盖名.·.踏名.·.利得名.·.戳儿名.·.戳子名.·.踩 ...,7天前·STAMP翻譯:信函,郵票,標記,印,戳,章;印記,戳記,印花(稅票),特性,標記,特徵;痕跡,烙印,腳,(常指爲表示生氣)跺(腳);重踏,重踩,標記,蓋印; ...,STAMPING的意思、解...