Staple Japanese 定番和食




STAPLE翻譯:金属丝, 订书钉, U 形钉(如U 形电线卡), 基本的, 主要产品;某物的主要部分, 基本的,主要的;标准的,常规的, 用钉书钉钉住。了解更多。


STAPLE翻譯:金屬絲, 訂書針, U 形釘(如U 形電線卡), 基本的, 主要產品;某物的主要部分, 基本的,主要的;標準的,常規的, 用釘書釘釘住。了解更多。

staple (【動詞】) 意思、用法及發音

staple 例句. I've stapled a copy of the review that appeared in last Friday's newspaper to the back of the brochure. She stapled the pages together.

staple (【名詞】) 意思、用法及發音

staple 例句. The restaurant's menu includes all the typical Italian staples. Hollywood gossip is a staple of tabloid newspapers. Potatoes are a staple of the ...

staple - 優惠推薦- 2025年3月

評分 5.0 (6) 「仁誠五金」附發票TUV 打釘槍STAPLE GUN TACKER 強大壓力裝訂加大訂書針木工裝潢釘書機709. $229. cod-icon. 滿額折$3. rating-star-full. 4.9. location-icon ...


staple · KK[ˋstep!] DJ[ˋsteipl]. n.[C]. 主要產品[P1];主要商品;日常必需品[P1]. adj. 主要的;大宗生產的;經常需要的;經常用的. vt. (按纖維長短)把……分級;把……分類 ...


staple(n) · 音標: [ˋstep!] · 解釋: U形釘;釘書針;日常必需品 · 例句: Novels are a staple of many public libraries. 翻譯: 小說是大眾圖書館必備的書籍。

STAPLE Definition & Meaning - Merriam

a metal loop both ends of which are driven into a surface to hold the hook, hasp, or bolt of a lock, secure a rope, or fix a wire in place.


STAPLE is a menswear collection distributed globally. Staple mixes street-minded sensibilities with mature sophisticated nods to high-end fashion. Staple Archives · STAPLE 21M Tee · Staple x ROBBi · RAWROW x STAPLE

