
What We Know About Star

Yondu is obviously a fatherly figure to him. And then he meets his actual father, Ego, played by Kurt Russell, who is in a lot of ways everything he wanted.


Star-Lord then meets Emperor Jason who reveals that he is Peter's father. Jason explains that he had crashed on Earth decades earlier and been rescued by ...

Ego | Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

Ego was a Celestial, a primordial and powerful being, and the biological father of Peter Quill and Mantis. A living planet with a humanoid extension of himself, ...

Guardians Of The Galaxy: Who Is Star-Lord's Father?

While Star-Lord's father is Ego in the MCU, J'Son has yet to appear, though there's alwats a chance that will change in the future.

'Guardians of the Galaxy': Meet Star-Lord's Dad, Ego

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Star-Lord's father is none other than Ego, a sentient planet. See full article at The Wrap.

What was Star-Lord's father's occupation?

Peter quill aka Star lord's father is Ego the living planet. We will be seeing him in the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 releasing May 5 2017. He will played by the famous Kurt Russel most recently seen in the Hateful Eight and Furious 7.

In which movie does Peter Quill meet his father?

Peter Quill meets his biological father in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. Ego is Peter Quill's father, And there's also a celestial.

Starlord's father as the GOTG2 villain was a horrible idea. Agree?

The character that they had built in GotG Vol 1 was a Starlord who looked up to his childhood movie stars as father figures.

Who is Starlords father? : rcomicbooks

J'Son is ruler of the planet Spartax and Star-Lord's father. He is a humanoid alien. The movies combined Ego, J'Son, and the Gardener into one character.


GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 (2017) Star-Lord's Father Movie Clip [HD] Marvel · Comments4.


Yonduisobviouslyafatherlyfiguretohim.Andthenhemeetshisactualfather,Ego,playedbyKurtRussell,whoisinalotofwayseverythinghewanted.,Star-LordthenmeetsEmperorJasonwhorevealsthatheisPeter'sfather.JasonexplainsthathehadcrashedonEarthdecadesearlierandbeenrescuedby ...,EgowasaCelestial,aprimordialandpowerfulbeing,andthebiologicalfatherofPeterQuillandMantis.Alivingplanetwithahumanoidextensionofhimself, ...