

Styl·ish a. Having style or artistic quality; given to, or fond of, the display of style; highly fashionable; modish; as, a stylish dress, house, manner. -- ...

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Stylish - Custom themes for any website

With hundreds of thousands of themes, skins & free backgrounds, you can customize any website with your own color scheme in a click.


7 天前 · stylish 在英語中的意思 ... of a high quality in appearance, design, or behaviour: The film's direction is subtle and stylish. 同義詞. smart ( ...


7 天前 · STYLISH翻譯:氣派的;格調優雅的。了解更多。

stylish (【形容詞】氣派的, 格調優雅的)意思、用法及發音

stylish 例句. We went to a stylish new restaurant downtown for our anniversary. 我們去了市中心一間時髦的新餐廳慶祝週年紀念日。 She wore a stylish dress to the ...


時尚的; 高雅的;有才藝的; 高水平的. 牛津中文字典. most stylish. ph. stylish的形容詞最高級. Dr.eye 譯典通片語. more stylish. ph. stylish的形容詞比較級 ...


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音標: [ˋstaɪlɪʃ]; 解釋: 時髦的;漂亮的. 例句: The furniture in the furniture store near my new house is very stylish. 翻譯: 我家附近的家具店的家具很有型 ...


Styl·isha.Havingstyleorartisticquality;givento,orfondof,thedisplayofstyle;highlyfashionable;modish;as,astylishdress,house,manner.-- ...,Withhundredsofthousandsofthemes,skins&freebackgrounds,youcancustomizeanywebsitewithyourowncolorschemeinaclick.,Withhundredsofthousandsofthemes,skins&freebackgrounds,youcancustomizeanywebsitewithyourowncolorschemeinaclick.,7天前·stylish在英語中的意思......