
Make the sidebar folder tree customizeable

Hi all, I am working on a project with deep nested folder structures and long file names. It would be nice if we could customize how much ...

How do I show the .git folder in sublime text 3 in the sidebar?

I found doing this line in user settings then restarting sublime text fixed this issue, rather than doing it at the project settings level, ...

Some files and folders in Sublime Text sidebar are dim

I just installed Sublime Text on Ubuntu, and after opening a folder, some files and folders in the sidebar are dim and not selectable.

Automatically Open Sidebar When Opening Folder

In previous builds of Sublime Text 3, if you opened a folder in Sublime Text, the sidebar would automatically be shown with the folder tree.

How can I create Folder under Folder in sublime sidebar?

The default Side Bar.sublime-menu file has entries labelled New File and New Folder for these operations, but your menu has a New... item instead.

Enhancements to Sublime Text sidebar. Files and folders.

Provides enhancements to the operations on Side Bar of Files and Folders for Sublime Text. Notably provides delete as move to trash, open with.. and a ...

Sort project folders in alphabetical order in Sublime Text 3 sidebar?

You can use Project > Edit Project to open your project file and manually reorder the elements in the folders list.

Sublime Text 2 - Show file navigation in sidebar

To enable Side bar you should do View -> Side bar -> show opened files. You'll got opened files (tabs) tree and folder structure at Side bar.

Show Folder on the side of Sublimetext (Example)

1, Check menu View --> Side Bar --> Show Side Bar (for OS X) Or drag and drop the selected folder on the Sublime Text window.

Is there a way to keep the folder directory sidebar permanent?

I can open a folder and I can easily switch between files but as soon as I close sublime the sidebar is gone and the folders gone too. Is there ...


Hiall,Iamworkingonaprojectwithdeepnestedfolderstructuresandlongfilenames.Itwouldbeniceifwecouldcustomizehowmuch ...,Ifounddoingthislineinusersettingsthenrestartingsublimetextfixedthisissue,ratherthandoingitattheprojectsettingslevel, ...,IjustinstalledSublimeTextonUbuntu,andafteropeningafolder,somefilesandfoldersinthesidebararedimandnotselectable.,InpreviousbuildsofSublimeText3,ifyouopenedafold...