
Increase font size change font of the FOLDERS listing

It is trivial to increase the font size of the main text in ST3, but I can't find a way to increase the font size of the “Folders” file listing on the left ...

Sidebar font-size - General Discussion

Using the PackageDev package, you can easily change the font size. Open the command palette with ctrl + shift + p and search for PackageDev: Edit Current Theme.

Increase side of the UI (menus, folders, etc.)

If you want to scale the entire UI, including the size of buttons, tabs and so on, you can use the ui_scale setting in Preferences > Settings.

How to increase the file tree and tab font size?

Hi, I'm getting old. Is there a way to increase the file tree and tab font size? If not increase, at least make the tab text bold. Thanks.

Changing font size of the results screen

Create a new view (should be of Plain Text) · Open the Command Palette · Run _Preferences: Settings - Syntax Specific · Remove the font_size ...

Resizing folder and file names - Technical Support

Please help me to change font size of folder and file names in SublimeText. The “font_size” parameter works only for the code.

Sublime Text 3 how to change the font size of the file sidebar?

15 Answers 15 · Navigate to Sublime Text -> Preferences -> Browse Packages · Open the User directory · Create a file named Default.sublime-theme ...

How do you change the folder and menu font

Open the Control Panel and select Personalization, then down at the bottom click on Window Color. In the next window that opens, click on Advanced Appearance ...

Can't find Sublime Text folder and format for special Preferences file ...

Having a lovely time trying to find the platform-specific settings file referred to in Preferences.sublime-settings, so I can change the font:

How to Increase Change Sublime Text Sidebar Sidetree font color size

Increase Change Sublime Text Sidebar Sidetree font color size Change color of sublime text sidebar Sublime Text 4 sidebar font size, ...


ItistrivialtoincreasethefontsizeofthemaintextinST3,butIcan'tfindawaytoincreasethefontsizeofthe“Folders”filelistingontheleft ...,UsingthePackageDevpackage,youcaneasilychangethefontsize.Openthecommandpalettewithctrl+shift+pandsearchforPackageDev:EditCurrentTheme.,IfyouwanttoscaletheentireUI,includingthesizeofbuttons,tabsandsoon,youcanusetheui_scalesettinginPreferences>Settings.,Hi,I'mgettingo...