
Sublime Text 4 Packages Directory

It seems like the ST4 packages are stored in “AppData-Roaming-Sublime Text 3”. Is there a specific reason why it's not in Sublime Text 4?

Sublime Goto Folder plugin

Sublime Goto Folder plugin ... the plugin lists folders just like Goto Anything, and opens selected folder in a separate window by your command.

How can I create Folder under Folder in sublime sidebar?

It looks like you might have some third party package installed that modifies the content of the side bar menu and replaces existing items.

Open folder in new window - Plugin Development

So, I'm developing the JRubyFX plugin, and I'm trying to add a “create new JRubyFX project” that will create a directory structure for the ...

SublimeText 3: Where are the packages

Hi everybody, I just installed SublimeText 3 and added my license. I need to find (out of curiosity) the packages directory.

[SOLVED] Recommended folder structure for plugins with .py files

I'd create a plugins directory with all the source code and a slingle plugin.py file in root which imports API classes from `plugins directory.

Cannot find PackagesDefault directory (ST4 linux)

It should be located in the installation directory of Sublime Text under <executable_path>/Packages/Default.sublime-package as a zip-archive.


This plugin allows for faster file creation within a project. Please see the Features section for more detailed information about advanced features.


AdvancedNewFile. Advanced file creation for Sublime Text. Overview. This plugin allows for faster file creation within a project.

Sublime Text 2 - Show file navigation in sidebar

To enable Side bar you should do View -> Side bar -> show opened files. You'll got opened files (tabs) tree and folder structure at Side bar.

