
Folders bar not syncing with the color scheme

After I opened my project, the folder bar wouldnt sync with the color theme. Ive tried changing the color scheme but it doesnt work for any of them.

Sidebar font color - General Discussion

:smile: Now I just have a question regarding the sidebar, how can I change my font color of my sidebar since I am using the dark soda theme?

Make the sidebar folder tree customizeable

I am wondering, is there a way to draw vertical guidelines on a sidebar folder tree? Looked through the current documentation (for v4) and didn' ...

How to change folder icon color in sublime text 4 sidebar

There are 3 icon types available for folders: collapsed, expanded and symlink. Take a look at file_system_entry in https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/themes.html

How to change sidebar colour? - Technical Support

Then in Preferences > Browse Packages > User, create a new file and call it Default. sublime-theme (be sure that the extension is in . sublime-theme). Then you can change the sidebar color by changing the RGB values of “Background color” .

How to change the color of right sidebar (miniMap) in Sublime Text 3

How to change the color of right sidebar (miniMap) in Sublime Text 3 · Check your current default theme name. Preferences > setting - Default. Find theme.

Why do Sublime Text 3 Themes not affect the sidebar?

Click on Preferences, click on Theme select Adaptive.sublime-theme. This will change the sidebar to a dark colored background.

Sublime text 3

So it's not possible to make different files different colors, you can't make a file a different color if is in source control with changes ...

Coloring the folders and files in the project sidebar

i suggest that you could color the folders and files. so that you could mark them as relelvant, and they could stand out for easy distinction. the colors ...

How to Increase Change Sublime Text Sidebar Sidetree font color size

Increase Change Sublime Text Sidebar Sidetree font color size Change color of sublime text sidebar Sublime Text 4 sidebar font size, ...


AfterIopenedmyproject,thefolderbarwouldntsyncwiththecolortheme.Ivetriedchangingthecolorschemebutitdoesntworkforanyofthem.,:smile:NowIjusthaveaquestionregardingthesidebar,howcanIchangemyfontcolorofmysidebarsinceIamusingthedarksodatheme?,Iamwondering,isthereawaytodrawverticalguidelinesonasidebarfoldertree?Lookedthroughthecurrentdocumentation(forv4)anddidn' ...,Thereare3icontypesavailableforfolde...