
2021年11月10日—OneRepublic共和世代-Sunshine溫暖陽光【中文翻譯歌詞】·sunshine.jpg·OneRepublic突然無預警宣布發布新歌Sunshine真的是超級無預警那種·我 ...,Sunshine作詞:JamesSamuelIiiHarris,TerryLewisCloudywasthedaywhenSunshinecameintomylifeAndmadeitbrighterShetouchedmewithherwarmness ...,SunshineYouaremysunshineMyonlysunshineYoumakemehappyWhenskiesaregreyYou'llneverknow,dearHowmuchIloveyouPleasedo...

OneRepublic 共和世代

2021年11月10日 — OneRepublic 共和世代- Sunshine 溫暖陽光【中文翻譯歌詞】 · sunshine.jpg · OneRepublic 突然無預警宣布發布新歌Sunshine 真的是超級無預警那種 · 我 ...

Sunshine 歌詞Alexander O'Neal ※

Sunshine 作詞:James Samuel Iii Harris, Terry Lewis Cloudy was the day when Sunshine came into my life And made it brighter She touched me with her warmness ...

Sunshine 歌詞Low ※

Sunshine You are my sunshine My only sunshine You make me happy When skies are grey You'll never know, dear How much I love you Please don't take my ...

Sunshine 歌詞The Beach Boys ※

Sunshine Lyrics:Brian Wilson/Mike Love Music:Brian Wilson/Mike Love Dum dum dum be dum be doo Dum dum dum be dum be doo Dum dum dum be dum be doo Dum dum ...

SUNSHINE 歌詞雲端司機※

SUNSHINE 作詞:李權哲作曲:李權哲I could slip my life I would waste your time I know I'm alive When you called me tonight You controlled my mind 不想say ...


Runnin' through this strange life. Chasin' all them green lights. Throwin' out the shade for a little bit of sunshine. Hit me with them good vibes


陽光從窗外照進打在你臉龐的附近我的心在發射訊息噗通噗通正向你靠近知道你有一點挑剔但我依然保持自信捕捉你最愛的風景轟隆轟隆 i love u Shawty darling darling

【 sunshine 】 【 女生】 【 歌詞】共有220筆相關歌詞

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歌詞翻譯| OneRepublic

2021年11月17日 — 歌詞中文翻譯 ... My life is woo-hoo! ... My life is woo-hoo! 我的生活嗚呼. I'm makin' more just ...