The Script



Superheroes (song)

Superheroes is a song written by Danny O'Donoghue and Mark Sheehan of Irish pop rock band the Script with songwriter James Barry.

Superheroes - song and lyrics by The Script

Listen to Superheroes on Spotify. Song · The Script · 2014.


'Superheroes' is the first single from the new album 'No Sound Without Silence' which will be released in September 2014.


Provided to YouTube by Columbia Superheroes · The Script No Sound Without Silence ℗ 2014 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited Released on: ...

Superheroes-歌詞- The Script

All her life she has seen. All the meaner side of me. They took away the prophet's dream for a profit on the street. Now she's stronger than you know

The Script - Superheroes (Lyrics)

the script - superheroes (Lyrics) Join the ddsquad! Click the bell icon to stay updated!

The Script - Superheroes (Official Video)

The Script - Superheroes (Official Video) Listen to The Script's Greatest Hits here: Subscribe to The ...

The Script - Superheroes 中文歌詞 - 吉兒的歌詞小舖

The Script新專輯中的第一首單曲!!! 副歌的旋律我很喜歡呢!!!! 歌詞也寫得非常棒~ 當人生遇到了不順,要將那些痛苦轉化為自己再度向前邁進的力量!

The Script-Superheroes (歌詞+翻譯) - 創作大廳

於是來翻譯一首勵志的正能量歌曲,獻給所有為了人生中喜愛的事物奮鬥的人。 TheScriptVEVO. The Script - Superheroes (Official Video).

The Script最新勵志MV-Superheroes (The Script

The Script最新勵志歌曲MV- Superheroes 當你為人生苦苦奮鬥,當你為工作日夜奔波,不要放棄,把這份痛苦化作力量,像超級英雄那樣飛翔!


SuperheroesisasongwrittenbyDannyO'DonoghueandMarkSheehanofIrishpoprockbandtheScriptwithsongwriterJamesBarry.,ListentoSuperheroesonSpotify.Song·TheScript·2014.,'Superheroes'isthefirstsinglefromthenewalbum'NoSoundWithoutSilence'whichwillbereleasedinSeptember2014.,ProvidedtoYouTubebyColumbiaSuperheroes·TheScriptNoSoundWithoutSilence℗2014SonyMusicEntertainmentUKLimitedReleasedon: ...,Allherlifeshe...

MediaHuman Lyrics Finder 1.5.6 歌曲歌詞搜尋工具

MediaHuman Lyrics Finder 1.5.6 歌曲歌詞搜尋工具
