Use MacOS on an iPad Pro or iPad Air with SupRemo!

2024年5月16日—SupremoRemoteDesktopisapowerful,easyandcompletesolutionforremotedesktopcontrolandsupport.ItallowstoaccessaremotePCor ...,SupremoRemoteDesktopisapowerful,easyandcompletesolutionforremotedesktopcontrolandsupport.Itallowstoaccessaremot...。參考影片的文章的如下:


在App Store 上的「Supremo Remote Desktop」

2024年5月16日 — Supremo Remote Desktop is a powerful, easy and complete solution for remote desktop control and support. It allows to access a remote PC or ...

Supremo Remote Desktop on the App Store

Supremo Remote Desktop is a powerful, easy and complete solution for remote desktop control and support. It allows to access a remote PC or join a Meeting ...

Download Supremo for macOS

Download Supremo for macOS to control and provide support to remote devices. The fast and secure remote desktop software for macOS. Free for personal use.


Supremo is a simple, light, affordable remote desktop software, designed for remote technical support. Try it Now!

How to use Supremo for Mac running on macOS 10.14 and ...

Learn how to configure permissions and start using Supremo for Mac running on macOs 10.14 and higher versions.

12. How do I start Supremo on macOS?

You can download Supremo for macOS at this page. When starting Supremo for the first time on macOS 10.14 and higher, you need to authorize Supremo to gain ...

Changelog macOS

Supremo, the remote desktop software with many new features, improvements and fixes. Don't miss an update of macOS versions.


2024年5月16日—SupremoRemoteDesktopisapowerful,easyandcompletesolutionforremotedesktopcontrolandsupport.ItallowstoaccessaremotePCor ...,SupremoRemoteDesktopisapowerful,easyandcompletesolutionforremotedesktopcontrolandsupport.ItallowstoaccessaremotePCorjoinaMeeting ...,DownloadSupremoformacOStocontrolandprovidesupporttoremotedevices.ThefastandsecureremotedesktopsoftwareformacOS.Freeforpersonalus...