
微軟Surface Pro 3超輕薄力拼11吋Macbook Air

微軟最近正式發表了新款的筆電、平板兩用機──Surface Pro 3,這臺行動設備號稱比11吋的MacBook Air還要輕薄,本身僅800公克(11吋的MacBook Air重1.08 ...

Apple MacBook Air 13 (M1, 2020) vs Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 15 ...

The main differences between them have to do with the operating system, CPU performance, and battery life. The Surface Laptop 3 runs Windows, while the MacBook ...

Surface Laptop:$999 值得嗎?feat. MacBook Air (M2)|全面對比測試

... Surface Laptop 15” (X Elite-80) vs MacBook Pro 14”(M3 Pro) https://youtu.be/7MLZKTTL5lM?si=V13QKjE_h9YqUITh 微軟Surface Pro 11 & Surface Laptop ...

How Microsoft's Surface Pro 3 Compares With The MacBook Air

The MacBook Air 11-inch model starts at $899, while the 13-inch version starts at $999. The Surface Pro 3, with its 12-inch screen, starts at ...

預算3萬5左右應該選surface 還是MacBook air (第2頁)

換購原因除了效能之外,在使用Surface Pro系列之前就都是使用MAC電腦,只是重回MACOSX作業系統擁抱。 這兩台最簡單的差異就是作業系統不同(其他異同處先不比較的話),如果你 ...

Microsoft Surface Pro vs. Apple MacBook Air 13-Inch

供應中 評分 4.0 · While both are extremely thin and light, the MacBook Air is a laptop while the Surface Pro is a tablet. Table of Contents · Pricing and Availability... · Display: Surface Goes Sharper...

預算3萬5左右應該選surface 還是MacBook air

想要輕薄文書機 偶爾又可以打電動 或者畫圖已有iPad pro 想要一台可以真正工作的筆電請問買surface 的網友們在預算內你們會推那一台.

Microsoft Surface Pro 3 vs MacBook Air

The Surface Pro 3 has a fundamentally better screen. It's much sharper, has a higher resolution and its 3:2 aspect is very helpful when using traditional ...

Microsoft Surface Pro 3 vs. 11-in MacBook Air

The Surface's display is 60 percent sharper than this 11-in MacBook Air's screen. It's also 69 percent sharper than the 13-in Air's display. On ...

Microsoft Surface Pro 11 vs Apple MacBook Air 13 M3 (2024)

Key Differences · Higher screen refresh rate: 120 versus 60 Hz · Easier to carry: weighs 350 grams less (around 0.77 lbs) · Thinner bezels and 2% higher screen-to- ...


微軟最近正式發表了新款的筆電、平板兩用機──SurfacePro3,這臺行動設備號稱比11吋的MacBookAir還要輕薄,本身僅800公克(11吋的MacBookAir重1.08 ...,Themaindifferencesbetweenthemhavetodowiththeoperatingsystem,CPUperformance,andbatterylife.TheSurfaceLaptop3runsWindows,whiletheMacBook ...,...SurfaceLaptop15”(XElite-80)vsMacBookPro14”(M3Pro)https://youtu.be/7MLZKTTL5lM?si=V13QKjE_h9YqUITh微軟SurfacePro11...