
12.1 A rational-conversion-ratio switched-capacitor DC

Switched-capacitor (SC) DC-DC converters have several advantages over inductive DC-DC converters in that they are easily integrated on-chip and can scale to ...

Switched-capacitor DC-DC converters

Novel switched-capacitor (SC) DC-DC converters are derived from three basic SC DC-DC converters. The converter outputs can be regulated by changing the duty ...

[PDF] Analysis and Optimization of Switched-Capacitor DC

The simple formulation developed permits optimization of the capacitor sizes to meet a constraint such as a total capacitance or total energy storage limit, and ...


This thesis presents a boost mode switched-capacitor DC/DC converter which contains a bandgap reference, an oscillator, a pumping circuit, and some features ...

[PDF] LTC1515 Series - Step-UpStep

The 5/3 pin controls an internal switch that shorts out a portion of the resistor network to change the output voltage. A logic high on this pin produces a 5V ...

Advanced Multiphasing Switched-Capacitor DC

供應中 Enables greatly improved performance and capabilities in fully integrated switched-capacitor converters;; Enables readers to design DC-DC converters, where ...

Understanding Efficiency of Switched Capacitor DC

The Switched Capacitor (SC) DC-DC converter is a DC-DC switching regulator that has been gaining popularity over LDOs and inductor-based switching convertors in ...

Switched Capacitor DC-DC Converters

This work presents a review of the main topologies of switched capacitors (SCs) used in DC-DC power conversion. Initially, the basic configurations are ...

LTC7825 Switched Capacitor DCDC Converter

Features · Wide VHIGH/VLOW voltage from 0V/0V to 24V/12V · Wide VCC supply range from 4.5V to 38V · Very high 97% efficiency at 10A load ...


Switched-capacitor(SC)DC-DCconvertershaveseveraladvantagesoverinductiveDC-DCconvertersinthattheyareeasilyintegratedon-chipandcanscaleto ...,Novelswitched-capacitor(SC)DC-DCconvertersarederivedfromthreebasicSCDC-DCconverters.Theconverteroutputscanberegulatedbychangingtheduty ...,Thesimpleformulationdevelopedpermitsoptimizationofthecapacitorsizestomeetaconstraintsuchasatotalcapacitanceortotalene...