
Checking the hard drives' health for a NAS

To check/test the drives you can go to Storage Manager > HDD/SSD > click on the disk drive and select Health Info. Depending on the DSM you will see some high ...


前往儲存空間管理員> HDD/SSD。 · 選擇Seagate 硬碟,按一下健康資訊按鈕。 · 前往IronWolf 健康頁籤。若硬碟型號、硬碟容量或是Synology NAS 機種不支援此檢測,此頁籤便不會 ...

How do I check the amount of storage Synology Drive Server uses?

Go to DSM > Storage Manager > Storage, click the ellipsis at the right side of the volume where Synology Drive Server is located, and select Usage Details. In ...

HDDSSD | DSM UC - Knowledge Center

Go to Storage Manager > HDD/SSD to manage these options. To check the HDD/SSD info: Go to HDD/SSD. Select a drive from the list and expand it. Here you will ...

How do I identify the drives on my Synology NAS?

How do I identify the drives on my Synology NAS? ... For your specific model, check the Install Drives section of the Product Manual.

How can I verify the health of hard disks using a Synology NAS?

The Storage Manager will show the SMART status of each disk. Log into the web interface and go to Main Menu > Storage Manager > HDD Management.

New Synology NAS and new harddrive just arrived, is there a way to ...

Is there a health tool on the DS220+ that I can run that will verify the health of the hard drive so that I can confirm if there are any issues with it and ...

Best way to scan the health of new HDDs?

DSM scans all drives before they are incorporated into a pool. Afterwards, you can schedule regular SMART scans of all drives.


Drive Tests and Analytics Go to Storage Manager > HDD/SSD. Select a drive and click the Health Info button. Go to the S.M.A.R.T. tab. This tab will not appear if the drive model does not support this test. Select the Quick Test or t

How Do I Check Storage Usage for My Synology NAS

Running out of space? Check out the Usage Details to see which service ... Swapping Hard Drives for SSD in a Synology NAS. SPACE DESIGN ...


Tocheck/testthedrivesyoucangotoStorageManager>HDD/SSD>clickonthediskdriveandselectHealthInfo.DependingontheDSMyouwillseesomehigh ...,前往儲存空間管理員>HDD/SSD。·選擇Seagate硬碟,按一下健康資訊按鈕。·前往IronWolf健康頁籤。若硬碟型號、硬碟容量或是SynologyNAS機種不支援此檢測,此頁籤便不會 ...,GotoDSM>StorageManager>Storage,clicktheellipsisattherightsideofthevolumewhereSynologyDriv...
