
What the HELL is the default admin password!?!?!

The default admin password is empty/blank. Only thing I can think of is that (a) there might be a space or other invisible character being sent, or (b) the ...

what is the default DS420j admin password ?

There is no default admin password. If you perform a fresh installation, the wizard is asking you to set a pasword for admin.

How do I sign in if I forgot the password for my administrator account?

Enter the system's default username, admin , and leave the password field blank. Click Sign In.


在您的Synology NAS上按兩下,輸入系統預設的使用者名稱admin,密碼欄位留白。 ... DSM 6.2.4 及往後版本:控制台> 更新& 還原> 系統重置中已勾選保留目前admin ...

How do I sign in if I forgot the admin password for my Synology ...

This article shows you how to reset your administrator account password by using the RESET button on your Synology Unified Controller.

若忘記Synology Unified Controller 的admin 密碼該如何登入?

此方法不會格式化您的Unified Controller,僅會將IP、DNS、admin 帳號的密碼回復到預設值。admin 帳號的預設密碼為空白。

How To Reset Admin Password On Synology NAS

Go to DSM > Options > Personal > Account to change the password, without needing to reset your Synology NAS.

Default admin password? : rsynology

The admin account is not needed for administrator functions. If you do want to enable it (I'm not sure why you would want to) then you can set ...

Reset Synology NAS Admin Password Without Losing Data

Reset Synology NAS Admin Password Without Losing Data It happens to us all from time to time where we forget our NAS login password.


Thedefaultadminpasswordisempty/blank.OnlythingIcanthinkofisthat(a)theremightbeaspaceorotherinvisiblecharacterbeingsent,or(b)the ...,Thereisnodefaultadminpassword.Ifyouperformafreshinstallation,thewizardisaskingyoutosetapaswordforadmin.,Enterthesystem'sdefaultusername,admin,andleavethepasswordfieldblank.ClickSignIn.,在您的SynologyNAS上按兩下,輸入系統預設的使用者名稱admin,密碼欄位留白。...DSM6...