
Disk crashed, no problems found by S.M.A.R.T.

2017年9月7日 — Disk crashed, no problems found by S.M.A.R.T.. A few days ago one of my two WD Red 4 TB drives (WD40EFRX) crashed according to my DS216 Play NAS ...

Drive Crashed! How to proceed?

2022年2月21日 — Danger: One or more storage pools/SSD caches have crashed. We recommend rescuing your data by copying the files or running a backup task.


2023年9月8日 — I note that the Synology Knowledge Center is suggesting that a 'crashed' drive might be reused if a SMART test reports it is still healthy (from ...

How do I repair a storage pool with a drive that was ...

2023年9月27日 — Put the drive that was removed by accident back into your Synology NAS. · Go to Storage Manager > Storage Pool and select the storage pool that ...

storage pool crash!!

2022年7月23日 — I'm starting to hate my Disk station. All the data is there and accessible, but it seems I can't repair or replace the drives. I replaced drive ...

Synology Drive Crash and Recovery

2022年6月14日 — Hi Mark, Just wanted to say that I had a similar problem caused by an unexpected power loss ! :) I was just about to buy a new Hard Drive and ...

What can I do if one of my volumes crashed?

2023年9月15日 — Go to Storage Manager to remove the storage pool of the crashed volume. Run a memory test on your Synology NAS (learn more). If the test result ...

What causes a volume to crash and what should I do?

2021年1月17日 — Troubleshooting a volume crash issue · Back up your data from the LUN to another destination. · Remove the crashed volume after the data has been ...


2017年9月7日—Diskcrashed,noproblemsfoundbyS.M.A.R.T..AfewdaysagooneofmytwoWDRed4TBdrives(WD40EFRX)crashedaccordingtomyDS216PlayNAS ...,2022年2月21日—Danger:Oneormorestoragepools/SSDcacheshavecrashed.Werecommendrescuingyourdatabycopyingthefilesorrunningabackuptask.,2023年9月8日—InotethattheSynologyKnowledgeCenterissuggestingthata'crashed'drivemightbereusedifaSMARTtestreportsitisstillhealthy(fro...