
Adding 3rd4th drives to DS920+, drives Not Initialized

2023年1月8日 — My Drive #2 (one of the original 4TB drives) is now Not Initialized. The little info icon says The Synology System is not installed on this ...

Disk "not initialized"

2015年7月11日 — Hi all, I'm not a novice to NAS's, but I am to installing hard drives (two brand new WD Red 3TB) to a new NAS enclosure (DS214Play)

Disk Not Initalized

2020年7月24日 — Not Initialized means that DSM is not installed. Are all the disks the same size? You cannot add smaller disks to an existing pool, but you ...

How to Initialize replaced HDD?

2015年4月16日 — I think I found the answer! It was certainly not intuitive! :) Go to Storage Manager / Disk Group / Select Group 1 (the only one) / No, ...

I need help initializing a new HHD drive in my Synology ...

2023年5月18日 — Storage Manager > HDD/SSD then I can click Drive 2 and hit the Manage Available Drives tab. From there it detected 1 drive that is not in use ...

My drive allocation status is shown as "Not Initialized. ...

If your drive has a Not Initialized allocation status, it may indicate that: The drive contains no system partition. DSM is not installed on the drive.

My drive allocation status is shown as "Not Initialized." What ...

2023年9月6日 — The drive belongs to a storage pool from another Synology NAS. If you want to access the data on that drive, insert all of the drives associated ...

Pulling out a healthy drive caused it to become "Not ...

2020年10月24日 — I am heavily distrustful of the reliability of the Synology NAS after this event, if simply pulling out a drive is enough to require a full disk ...

Synology cache disk Allocation status

2023年8月4日 — We have a Synology SA3600 with some Expansion Units. Hot Spare Disks in the Main Unit get interpreted correctly in Checkmk, but Hot Spare Disks ...


2023年1月8日—MyDrive#2(oneoftheoriginal4TBdrives)isnowNotInitialized.ThelittleinfoiconsaysTheSynologySystemisnotinstalledonthis ...,2015年7月11日—Hiall,I'mnotanovicetoNAS's,butIamtoinstallingharddrives(twobrandnewWDRed3TB)toanewNASenclosure(DS214Play),2020年7月24日—NotInitializedmeansthatDSMisnotinstalled.Areallthedisksthesamesize?Youcannotaddsmallerdiskstoanexistingpool,butyou ...,2015年4月16...