
What network ports are used by DSM services?

Synology Calendar, 5000 (HTTP), 5001 (HTTPS), TCP ; Synology CardDAV Server, 8008 (HTTP), 8443 (HTTPS), TCP ; Synology Chat, 5000 (HTTP), 5001 (HTTPS), TCP.

Port Forwarding | SRM - Knowledge Center

Go to Network Center > Port Forwarding > Port Forwarding. · Click Create to open the setup window. · Specify the Name, Private IP address, Public port, Private ...

DSM 服務使用哪些網路連接埠?

套件 ; 類型, 連接埠編號, 通訊協定 ; Audio Station, 1900 (UDP)、5000 (HTTP)、5001 (HTTPS)、5353 (Bonjour 服務)、6001 - 6010 (AirPlay 控制/ 計時) ...

What network ports are used by DSM services?

Synology Calendar, 5000 (HTTP), 5001 (HTTPS), TCP ; Synology CardDAV Server, 8008 (HTTP), 8443 (HTTPS), TCP ; Synology Chat, 5000 (HTTP), 5001 ( ...

What Network Ports Are Used by Synology Services?

Below I invite you to discover all the ports used by your device for the various services it provides. This list from the official Synology webpage can help ...

Do I need to forward ALL the ports listed on this doc?

Forgive the question, but I'd like to access my nas directly without using the quickconnect (as I've seen it being pretty slow).        

Ports forwarding | SynoForum.com

You can set up port forwarding rules at Control Panel > External Access > Router Configuration to make your Synology NAS device accessible over ...


SynologyCalendar,5000(HTTP),5001(HTTPS),TCP;SynologyCardDAVServer,8008(HTTP),8443(HTTPS),TCP;SynologyChat,5000(HTTP),5001(HTTPS),TCP.,GotoNetworkCenter>PortForwarding>PortForwarding.·ClickCreatetoopenthesetupwindow.·SpecifytheName,PrivateIPaddress,Publicport,Private ...,套件;類型,連接埠編號,通訊協定;AudioStation,1900(UDP)、5000(HTTP)、5001(HTTPS)、5353(Bonjour服務)、6001-6010(AirPlay控制...