RAID Options Explained Quickly (JBOD, RAID1, SHR and more)

Yes,thelossofredundancyisbothexpectedandthegoal.Thereasonistogetasmuchstoragespaceaspossibleinthevolume.,HowdoichangefromRaid1toRaid0ona2BayNAS(DS215j)inDSM6?Iamthinkingthatusingdisk2forHyperBackupwillmakemore ...,GotoStorageManager>Storage.·Sele...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Can I revert from RAID 1 to RAID 0?

Yes, the loss of redundancy is both expected and the goal. The reason is to get as much storage space as possible in the volume.

Change Raid1 to Raid0 DSM 6

How do i change from Raid 1 to Raid 0 on a 2 Bay NAS (DS215j) in DSM 6? I am thinking that using disk 2 for Hyper Backup will make more ...

Change the RAID Type of a Storage Pool | DSM

Go to Storage Manager > Storage. · Select the storage pool whose RAID type you want to change. · Select the RAID type you want to change to and click Next.


Synology NAS如何「增強」RAID、SHR的可靠性? SHR (Synology Hybrid Raid)的RAID1容錯性增強手段; Data Scrubbing主動查錯功能; Synology SHR的潛在問題和發展.

Raid 1 to 0

RAID 1 to RAID 0: not possible. External disk: possible as a independent folder, but not possible to expand an internal volume.

Raid 1 to Raid 0? : rsynology

Yup. There's no way to reduce the size, redundancy, or number of drives in an array, and therefore no in-place conversion away from RAID1/SHR.

Synology NAS from Raid 1 to Raid 0 : rHomeServer

I plan on buying a 12TB external Drive and attach it via USB to the NAS and configure it to be used as a backup. Is it possible to switch the raid from 1 to 0 ...

變更儲存集區的RAID 類型| DSM

前往儲存空間管理員> 儲存管理。 · 選擇欲變更RAID 類型的儲存集區,按一下右上角的 圖示並選擇變更RAID 類型。 · 選擇欲變更的目標RAID 類型,按下一步。 · 選擇欲新增至儲存集 ...

變更儲存集區的RAID 類型| DSM UC

開啟儲存空間管理員。 · 前往儲存集區。 · 選擇欲變更的儲存集區,然後按一下動作下拉式選單中的變更RAID 類別。 · 選擇您想要將儲存空間變更至哪一種RAID 類別。按一下下一步 ...

選擇RAID 類型| DSM

... RAID 6 便較具吸引力。 RAID 10. RAID 10 具備了RAID 1 和RAID 0 的優勢。讀取和寫入效能皆提升,但只有半數的空間可用來儲存資料。至少需要四顆以上硬碟才能組成RAID ...


Yes,thelossofredundancyisbothexpectedandthegoal.Thereasonistogetasmuchstoragespaceaspossibleinthevolume.,HowdoichangefromRaid1toRaid0ona2BayNAS(DS215j)inDSM6?Iamthinkingthatusingdisk2forHyperBackupwillmakemore ...,GotoStorageManager>Storage.·SelectthestoragepoolwhoseRAIDtypeyouwanttochange.·SelecttheRAIDtypeyouwanttochangetoandclickNext.,SynologyNAS如何「增強」RAID、SHR的可靠性?SHR(Synolo...