
[PDF] Using Synology SSD Technology to Enhance System Performance

The test results demonstrated that performance can be significantly improved by leveraging SSD Cache technology, without the need to add more HDDs to boost IOPS ...

Important considerations when creating SSD cache

Performance gains from SSD cache are expected to be minimal if you use your Synology NAS for these applications: File server used to upload/ ...

Synology SSD Cache White Paper for DSM 7.1

The objective of this test was to compare the performance between an environment with SSD cache and an environment without SSD cache.

Synology SSD Cache White Paper for DSM 7.1

The objective of this test was to compare the performance between an environment with SSD cache and an environment without SSD cache.

Perform drive benchmark tests - Knowledge Center

Basic test: This test will run on drives within a RAID configuration, such as those in a storage pool or SSD cache group. Data on the drive will not be affected ...

The SSD cache test

In return, the internal SSD cache copy goes off like a rocket and gets a full plus of almost 80 megabytes per second. The 4.4 megabytes test ...

SSD Caching worth it? : rsynology

The Synology will use unused memory to cache reads, and makes everything feel a lot more snappy in my experience. I went from a 1515+ w/ 6GB RAM ...

My home office experience and benchmarks with Synology SSD ...

With the cache I'm getting 23.84MiB/s for writes and 7.1MiB/s for reads. A 4x performance improvement. Anecdotally Time Machine backups now take less than an ...

NVME SSD Cache on Synology Diskstation NAS (DS1621+) and ...

Click See More for more information! In this guide we go over and test: -What is SSD and NVME Cache -How does Cache work -What Synology ...

Boost Your Storage Performance with Synology SSD Cache

In this video tutorial, we will walk you through the process of installing and configuring a Synology SSD cache for your NAS device.


ThetestresultsdemonstratedthatperformancecanbesignificantlyimprovedbyleveragingSSDCachetechnology,withouttheneedtoaddmoreHDDstoboostIOPS ...,PerformancegainsfromSSDcacheareexpectedtobeminimalifyouuseyourSynologyNASfortheseapplications:Fileserverusedtoupload/ ...,TheobjectiveofthistestwastocomparetheperformancebetweenanenvironmentwithSSDcacheandanenvironmentwithoutSSDcache.,Theobjectiveofthiste...