
Which port to open on synology NAS to allow for time machine ...

how do I go about allowing this computer to automatically backup using time machine or connect? do i need to allow a certain port to be ...

What network ports are used by DSM services?

Backup ; Hyper Backup (backup destination), 22 (rsync with transfer encryption enabled), 873 (rsync without transfer encryption), 5005 (WebDAV), 5006 (WebDAV ...

What network ports are used by DSM services?

Only Synology Directory Server version 4.10. 18-0300 requires port 49152. Video Station has been discontinued since DSM 7.2.

What network ports are used by DSM services?

Only Synology Directory Server version 4.10. 18-0300 requires port 49152. Video Station has been discontinued since DSM 7.2.

DSM 服務使用哪些網路連接埠?

DSM 5.2 資料備份、rsync、共用資料夾同步、遠端Time Backup, 873、22 (若通過SSH 加密), TCP. Hyper Backup (備份目的地), 22 (開啟傳輸加密時使用rsync) ...

What Network Ports Are Used by Synology Services?

Synology NAS ports: complete list of ports used by your Synology NAS device for all services.


howdoIgoaboutallowingthiscomputertoautomaticallybackupusingtimemachineorconnect?doineedtoallowacertainporttobe ...,Backup;HyperBackup(backupdestination),22(rsyncwithtransferencryptionenabled),873(rsyncwithouttransferencryption),5005(WebDAV),5006(WebDAV ...,OnlySynologyDirectoryServerversion4.10.18-0300requiresport49152.VideoStationhasbeendiscontinuedsinceDSM7.2.,OnlySynologyDirectoryServervers...