
Torrent and RSS Help Please

Here is my current setup. I am using the eztv rss feed, http://ezrss.it/feed - works fine auto updates can see all uploads as it should.

Transmission 1.61 and Automatic

After learning that Transmission does not support RSS ... I was able to successfully compile the program for my 209 and now am enjoying RSS goodness with my ...

Transmission RSS

There are many bit torrent clients for linux. Transmission is really good at what it does, but it is missing the rss feature, and a bandwidth ...


然后在社群里选择Transmission安装,这里安装的好处是安装后可提示设置远程访问的用户名和密码。 ... 接下来要设置Flexget的了说以下基本的原理,种子由Flexget通过RSS订阅,并 ...

Running Transmission on Synology DS1010+

Automatic downloads of torrents via RSS subscription; Automatic update of IP filters through blocklists; Notification via email if a download ...

Setting up an RSS feed in Transmission : rsynology

I've been trying for hours to setup transmission-rss in Docker, but I can't get it to work. Here's my Docker settings for transmission-rss.

發行資訊: Download Station

Download Station 是網頁介面的下載應用程式,可讓您透過BT、FTP、HTTP、NZB、eMule 等服務,從網際網路下載檔案,訂閱RSS 摘要來立即掌握最新最熱門的BT 檔資訊。


Hereismycurrentsetup.Iamusingtheeztvrssfeed,http://ezrss.it/feed-worksfineautoupdatescanseealluploadsasitshould.,AfterlearningthatTransmissiondoesnotsupportRSS...Iwasabletosuccessfullycompiletheprogramformy209andnowamenjoyingRSSgoodnesswithmy ...,Therearemanybittorrentclientsforlinux.Transmissionisreallygoodatwhatitdoes,butitismissingtherssfeature,andabandwidth ...,然后在社群里选择Transmission...