tag clouds
tag clouds


Tag cloud

Atagcloudisavisualrepresentationoftextdatawhichisoftenusedtodepictkeywordmetadataonwebsites,ortovisualizefreeformtext.Tagsare ...

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Cool Tag Cloud

外掛說明. 這個外掛能轉譯出具備專業設計標籤圖片背景的標籤雲。 這個外掛所產生的標籤雲完全符合回應式設計,並且可於全部瀏覽器中正確顯示。

Tag cloud

A tag cloud is a visual representation of text data which is often used to depict keyword metadata on websites, or to visualize free form text. Tags are ...

Tag Cloud design pattern

A tag cloud is a list of tags, where the font size of each tag is larger or bigger depending on its weight. Weight in tag clouds can be represented in three ...

Tag Clouds, Explained. Create A Free Tag Cloud

A tag cloud (also known as a word cloud or wordle) is a visual representation of text data. Create your own tag cloud with a free word cloud tool.


1. cloud. a tag cloud:(網站上以顏色、大小顯示重要性的)標簽雲… a tag cloud:(網站上以顏色、大小顯示重要性的)標簽雲… 2. tag. a tag cloud:(網站上以顏色、大小顯示 ...


Create your own word cloud from any text to visualize word frequency.

Word Tag Cloud

2017年8月5日 — Create word clouds from text or urls (html or pdf)


Wordclouds.com is a free online word cloud generator and tag cloud generator, similar to Wordle. Create your own word clouds and tag clouds.

分類為〈tag cloud〉的外掛

外掛標籤: tag cloud · WordPress Tag and Category Manager – AI Autotagger · Cool Tag Cloud · Ultimate Tag Cloud Widget · Multi-column Tag Map · Configurable Tag ...


標籤雲或文字雲是關鍵詞的視覺化描述,用於匯總用戶生成的標籤或一個網站的文字內容。標籤一般是獨立的詞彙,常常按字母順序排列,其重要程度又能通過改變字體大小或 ...


外掛說明.這個外掛能轉譯出具備專業設計標籤圖片背景的標籤雲。這個外掛所產生的標籤雲完全符合回應式設計,並且可於全部瀏覽器中正確顯示。,Atagcloudisavisualrepresentationoftextdatawhichisoftenusedtodepictkeywordmetadataonwebsites,ortovisualizefreeformtext.Tagsare ...,Atagcloudisalistoftags,wherethefontsizeofeachtagislargerorbiggerdependingonitsweight.Weightintagcloudscanberepresentedinthree ...,Atag...