
50 Self-Care Quotes To Inspire A New Mindset

Take the time today to love yourself. · Self-care is not a waste of time. · Love yourself enough to set boundaries. · Knowing how to be ...

Top 12 quotes that remind you to take time off, relax, and recharge

In a time where the boundaries between work and home life have disappeared, it is imperative that you take time off to recharge, revive, and get your rout.

Take Rest Quote

Take rest quote · How often do you allow yourself to take a rest? · Rest and Relaxation · it's all about your mindset · Let Yourself Rest | Fitness And ...

Rest - Quotes

Rest is a fine medicine. Let your stomachs rest, ye dyspeptics; let your brain rest, you wearied and worried men of business; let your limbs rest, ye children ...

Take a Rest

Day Of Rest Quotes Sunday · Rest Day Workout Quotes · Take Rest Quote · Rest Quotes Wellness · Get Some Rest Quotes · Quote About Rest · Take A Rest Quote.

14 Quotes about Rest & Being Kind Enough to Give Yourself a Break

1. “Wisdom is knowing when to have rest, when to have activity, and how much of each to have.” — Sri Sri Ravi Shankar · 2. “When you rest, you ...

25 Motivating Quotes

Deseri Garcia shares some of her favorite quotes about the importance of vacations, taking time off, and caring for yourself.

42 Sleep Quotes for the Well-Rested and the Restless

Inspirational sleep quotes The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night's sleep. — ... Having peace, happiness, and healthiness is my definition of beauty. ... Sleep is an investment in the energy you need to be effective tomo

42 Inspiring Rest Day Quotes to Restore Your Mind

Rest is not quitting. Rest is the thing which gives you renewed strength and gets you ready for the next level..

Rest Quotes

Rest when you're weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work. Share this Quote · Ralph Marston.


Takethetimetodaytoloveyourself.·Self-careisnotawasteoftime.·Loveyourselfenoughtosetboundaries.·Knowinghowtobe ...,Inatimewheretheboundariesbetweenworkandhomelifehavedisappeared,itisimperativethatyoutaketimeofftorecharge,revive,andgetyourrout.,Takerestquote·Howoftendoyouallowyourselftotakearest?·RestandRelaxation·it'sallaboutyourmindset·LetYourselfRest|FitnessAnd ...,Restisafinemedicine.Letyour...