2011年6月28日—Installscrotandthenrunthis:whiletrue;doscrot&sleep2;done.,2024年1月12日—Aportableandcommandlinefriendlyapplicationthattakesscreenshotswhileyouworkandplay.Thissoftwareisfreeandopensourcebut ...,2017年12月8日—Itisnotregularbecauseascr...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How to take a screenshot every n second?

2011年6月28日 — Install scrot and then run this: while true; do scrot & sleep 2; done.

Auto Screen Capture download

2024年1月12日 — A portable and command line friendly application that takes screenshots while you work and play. This software is free and open source but ...

Media projection taking screenshots every second (or half ...

2017年12月8日 — It is not regular because a screenshot is taken only if a new frame is available (something has changed on the screen).

Automatic screenshots :

2021年1月5日 — Lets say you have this automatic screenshot that takes one every 30 seconds. Ok... you missed a good shot that happened sometime in the middle ...

take screen shot every 3 seconds

2022年8月23日 — i'm trying to creat a script that repeats x amount of time.. take a screen shot.. wait 3 second.. click spot .. repeat . i'm a a total ...


2016年6月6日 — If you are on Android 4.0+, press and hold the Power and Volume Down together for approx. 1 second. That should do it.

Extension to take screenshots at a timed interval?

2022年2月27日 — Does anyone know of an extension (or any tool, really) that takes screenshots of current page every few seconds or minutes?

Automatically take screenshots every second using Auto ...

2023年6月1日 — Overall, Auto Screen Capture is a nice free utility which helps you taking the multiple screenshots while working. The screenshots are then ...


2011年6月28日—Installscrotandthenrunthis:whiletrue;doscrot&sleep2;done.,2024年1月12日—Aportableandcommandlinefriendlyapplicationthattakesscreenshotswhileyouworkandplay.Thissoftwareisfreeandopensourcebut ...,2017年12月8日—Itisnotregularbecauseascreenshotistakenonlyifanewframeisavailable(somethinghaschangedonthescreen).,2021年1月5日—Letssayyouhavethisautomaticscreenshotthattakesoneevery30sec...