The Tango

Avisualmasterpiece,itsdancesequencesareexquisite,itsmusicisamazing,anditsstoryatributetotheever-wagingbattleofthevisionaryversusthe ...,Thefilmdepictsaninitiallyemptyroom.Aballbouncesinthroughthewindow,andaboyenterstoretrieveitandleaves.Thisserie...。參考影片的文章的如下:



A visual masterpiece, its dance sequences are exquisite, its music is amazing, and its story a tribute to the ever-waging battle of the visionary versus the ...

Tango (1981 film)

The film depicts an initially empty room. A ball bounces in through the window, and a boy enters to retrieve it and leaves. This series of actions repeats over ...

Tango (1998 film)

Tango is a 1998 Argentine-Spanish musical drama film written and directed by Carlos Saura and starring Miguel Ángel Solá and Mía Maestro.

Tango (1998)

Mario Suarez is a forty-something tango artist, whose wife Laura has left him. He leaves his apartment and starts preparing a film about tango.


This film is made in the style of others by Carlos Saura weaving the tango within a story which together made for compulsive viewing.The Tango sequences. were ...

Tango movies

Tango movies · 1. Tango Bar (1987). PG | 90 min | Drama, Musical, Romance · 2. Tango (1998). PG-13 | 115 min | Drama, Musical · 3. Tango libre (2012). 98 min | ...

Top 7 Movies Every Tango Lover Should Watch

Top 7 Movies Every Tango Lover Should Watch · 1. Our Last Tango / Un Tango Más (2015) · 2. Scent of a Woman (1992) · 3. The Tango Lesson (1997) · 4. Last Tango ...


Avisualmasterpiece,itsdancesequencesareexquisite,itsmusicisamazing,anditsstoryatributetotheever-wagingbattleofthevisionaryversusthe ...,Thefilmdepictsaninitiallyemptyroom.Aballbouncesinthroughthewindow,andaboyenterstoretrieveitandleaves.Thisseriesofactionsrepeatsover ...,Tangoisa1998Argentine-SpanishmusicaldramafilmwrittenanddirectedbyCarlosSauraandstarringMiguelÁngelSoláandMíaMaestro.,MarioSu...