
TAP翻譯:打,(常指連續)輕拍,輕叩,輕敲,輕觸(手機或平板電腦等給予指令),獲得,開發;開闢;著手利用,電話,在(電話或電報線)上裝竊聽器;竊聽,設備,(水)龍頭,閥門, ...,TAPPING的意思、解釋及翻譯:1.presentparticipleoftap2.presentparticipleoftap。了解更多。,Tappingisaplayingtechniquethatcanbeusedonanystringedinstrument,butwhichismostcommonlyusedonguitar.Thetechniqueinvolvesastringbeing ...,vt.輕拍,...


TAP翻譯:打, (常指連續)輕拍,輕叩,輕敲, 輕觸(手機或平板電腦等給予指令), 獲得, 開發;開闢;著手利用, 電話, 在(電話或電報線)上裝竊聽器;竊聽, 設備, (水)龍頭,閥門, ...


TAPPING的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. present participle of tap 2. present participle of tap 。了解更多。


Tapping is a playing technique that can be used on any stringed instrument, but which is most commonly used on guitar. The technique involves a string being ...


vt. 輕拍,輕叩,輕敲;(手指或觸摸筆)點擊(螢幕);輕輕敲出(或敲掉)[O] · vi. 輕拍,輕叩,輕敲[(+on)] · n.[C]. 輕拍,輕叩,輕敲;鞋掌;鞋底 ...


vt. 輕拍,輕叩,輕敲;(手指或觸摸筆)點擊(螢幕);輕輕敲出(或敲掉)[O] · vi. 輕拍,輕叩,輕敲[(+on)] · n.[C]. 輕拍,輕叩,輕敲;鞋掌;鞋底 ...

什麼是Tapping (What is Tapping)

just feel that stress about that specific thing and give it a number on a 0 to 10 scale. 10 being the highest intensity, 0 would be.

tapping 的中文翻釋|VoiceTube 看影片學英語

v. 在(樹)上刻痕取液;(以手指、腳趾)輕叩;輕敲;(以電子設備)竊聽;輕叩;輕擊;輕拍;拔除. Footer. Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play. 關於.

TAPPING Definition & Meaning - Merriam

The meaning of TAPPING is the act, process, or means by which something is tapped.

tapping - 維基詞典,自由的多語言詞典

tapping 編輯 · 語言 · 監視 · 編輯 · 正體: 分接[電機工程]. 發音. 編輯. 韻部:-æpɪŋ.