10 Small tattoo ideas with big meaning in it



Translation of tattoo – English

TATTOO translate: 裝飾, 紋身花紋, 軍事展示, (尤指配以音樂進行的)軍事表演操, 紋身;刺花. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese traditional Dictionary.

TATTOO | English meaning

a permanent image, pattern, or word on the skin that is created by using needles to put colours under the skin


A tattoo is a form of body modification made by inserting tattoo ink, dyes, and/or pigments, either indelible or temporary, into the dermis layer of the skin ... Tattoo machine · Medical tattoo · Tattoo ink · Tattoo (disambiguation)

50 Popular Tattoo Meanings

This comprehensive guide dives into 50 popular tattoos, uncovering the symbolism that might resonate deeply with your personal story or aspirations.

Traditional Tattoo Meanings | Old School Tattoos

Lady head tattoos are often associated with beauty, femininity, romance, desire, independence, or good luck. They can also represent a heroine, muse, or a ... Tattoo History · Traditional Tattoo Meanings · Norman Collins · Rum Recipes

A Comprehensive Guide to Tattoo Meanings

In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the meanings behind some of the most popular tattoo designs, from ancient symbols to modern motifs. Anchor Tattoo Meaning · Angel Tattoo Meaning · Maneki-Neko Tattoo Meaning

TATTOO definition and meaning

A tattoo is a design that is drawn on someone's skin using needles to make little holes and filling them with coloured dye. 2. verb. If someone tattoos you, ...

Semicolon Tattoo Meaning

People get semicolon tattoos to represent their own struggles with—and victories over, ongoing as they can be—suicide, or to express solidarity ...

TATTOO Definition & Meaning - Merriam

1. a mark, figure, design, or word intentionally fixed or placed on the skin: a : one that is indelible and created by insertion of pigment under the skin.

The Meaning of Tattoos

Tattoos are a spiritual symbol or marker for a transformation in one's identity. In essence, one's spiritual attachment to their tattoos makes them feel ...


TATTOOtranslate:裝飾,紋身花紋,軍事展示,(尤指配以音樂進行的)軍事表演操,紋身;刺花.LearnmoreintheCambridgeEnglish-ChinesetraditionalDictionary.,apermanentimage,pattern,orwordontheskinthatiscreatedbyusingneedlestoputcoloursundertheskin,Atattooisaformofbodymodificationmadebyinsertingtattooink,dyes,and/orpigments,eitherindelibleortemporary,intothedermislayeroftheskin ...Tattoomachine·Medicaltatto...