
Tesla, Inc.

Tesla, Inc is an American multinational automotive and clean energy company. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, it designs, manufactures and sells battery ... Tesla Cybertruck · Tesla Semi · Tesla Model Y · Tesla Energy

Tesla Motors | Electric Vehicles Wiki

Founded July 1, 2003, with the idea of creating high-performance electric vehicles. The company is named after Nikola Tesla, a physicist and revolutionary ...

Lucid Motors

Lucid is the future of sustainable mobility, designing electric cars that further reimagines the driving experience.

Tesla Motors | Need for Speed Wiki

Tesla Motors is an electric car manufacturer based in Silicon Valley, San Francisco. The company gained attention during the production of the Tesla ...


Discover Rivian's long-range electric vehicles, designed for adventure. Explore our innovative EV cars and join the movement towards a sustainable future. R1T configurator · R1s · R2 · R1T

Tesla, Inc.

American automotive, energy storage and solar power company.

Nikola Tesla

In 1887, Tesla developed an induction motor that ran on alternating current (AC), a power system format that was rapidly expanding in Europe and the United ...

Tesla, Inc.

Tesla, Inc. is an American multinational automotive and clean energy company. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, it designs, manufactures and sells battery ...


XPENG's electric vehicles designed for performance, safety, and sustainability. Explore our range of smart EVs, advanced technology, and commitment to a ... Ultra Smart Large Seven-seater · G6 · P7 · XPENG G3i


特斯拉(英語:Tesla, Inc.),舊稱特斯拉汽車(英語:Tesla Motors),是美國最大的電動汽車及太陽能板公司,總部設於德克薩斯州奧斯汀,與Panasonic合作電池業務,產銷電動 ...


Tesla,IncisanAmericanmultinationalautomotiveandcleanenergycompany.HeadquarteredinAustin,Texas,itdesigns,manufacturesandsellsbattery ...TeslaCybertruck·TeslaSemi·TeslaModelY·TeslaEnergy,FoundedJuly1,2003,withtheideaofcreatinghigh-performanceelectricvehicles.ThecompanyisnamedafterNikolaTesla,aphysicistandrevolutionary ...,Lucidisthefutureofsustainablemobility,designingelectriccarsthatfurtherreim...