How to add Summernote Editor for textarea in PHP



在HTML單表的textarea換行,用php保存後卻沒有換行? (nl2br)

這是因為textarea 送到php的時候,會把換行之類的取換成 -n 或 -r. 我們需要把他們取換成 <br />. php 官方已經有相對應的內置函數: nl2br()

HTML textarea tag

The <textarea> tag defines a multi-line text input control. The <textarea> element is often used in a form, to collect user inputs like comments or reviews. The textarea element · HTML textarea maxlength... · HTML textarea wrap



php pre-populating text area - html

The following php code works for prepopulating an input box, but doesn't work for a text area. The issue is that the standard input box is small in height.


首先先讓我們把昨天的index.html直接改成index.php,然後記得在view→syntax裡改成php。 ... textarea name=email placeholder=Email: style=margin-top:2%; width: 60 ...


[SQL與PHP] PHP分割textarea每一行的數據 · <form id=textarea_test action=textarea.php method=post> · <textarea cols=50 rows=5 name=aa ...

Jollen's PHP 專欄:

<textarea> 與</textarea> 標籤是所謂的textarea 文字輸入區塊的標籤,textarea 的rows 與cols 分別表示文字輸入區塊的寬度與長度。 <textarea rows=2 name=message ...

PHP with HTML textarea

Give your textarea a name and post it to a PHP script with a form. The data from the textarea will be available in the $_POST['textareaName'] variable.

PHP Contact Form - Text Area Doesn't Send!?

I have managed to get the form to send the message - except one problem: The text area doesn't send along with the rest of the message.

