#MetKids—Create an Optical Toy




A thaumatrope is an optical toy that was popular in the 19th century. A disk with a picture on each side is attached to two pieces of string.


KK[ˋθɔmə͵trop]; DJ[ˋθɔ:mətrəup]. 美式. n. 留影盤. Dr.eye 譯典通. thaumatrope. 西洋鏡. PyDict. Yahoo奇摩字典. Mountain View Santa Clara更新疑難排解 ...


書名:Thaumatrope,語言:英文,ISBN:9780976569299,頁數:80,作者:Hendricks, Brent,出版日期:2007/10/01,類別:文學.

[PDF] What is a thaumatrope? Steps 1. Draw pictures in two 3

The thaumatrope, patented in 1826 by British doctor John Ayrton Paris, uses a small disc with a different picture on each side. In one of our examples, one side ...

THAUMATROPE Definition & Meaning - Merriam

The meaning of THAUMATROPE is an optical instrument or toy that shows the persistence of an impression upon the eye and that consists of a card having on ...


The Thaumatrope is a Victorian toy constructed from a simple disk or card featuring a different picture on each side and attached to two pieces of string.

Make a Thaumatrope (U.S. National Park Service)

A Thaumatrope or “wonder turner” is an optical illusion based on combining two images with movement. It was invented in 1826 by the English ...

63 Thaumatrope ideas | flip book, paper toys, illusions

Wonderturners aka Thaumatropes as designed by Joel Henriques. Taught these with a grade one class in rural Saskatchewan, the kids loved it.

[PDF] How to Make a Thaumatrope

Developed in the early 19th century, Thaumatropes are an optical toy and one of the earliest forms of animation. Using two illustrated sides of a disc,.

STEM | How to make a Thaumatrope (optical illusion toy)

A thaumatrope is an optical illusion toy that was popular in the 19th century. It was invented in 1826 by a British doctor, ...


Athaumatropeisanopticaltoythatwaspopularinthe19thcentury.Adiskwithapictureoneachsideisattachedtotwopiecesofstring.,KK[ˋθɔmə͵trop];DJ[ˋθɔ:mətrəup].美式.n.留影盤.Dr.eye譯典通.thaumatrope.西洋鏡.PyDict.Yahoo奇摩字典.MountainViewSantaClara更新疑難排解 ...,書名:Thaumatrope,語言:英文,ISBN:9780976569299,頁數:80,作者:Hendricks,Brent,出版日期:2007/10/01,類別:文學.,Thethaumatrope,patentedin...