Epic domino show



Domino Day

Domino Day is a world record attempt for the highest number of toppling domino stones, organized from 1998 to 2009 by Endemol Netherlands.

'Domino Masters' set world record at Trillium Academy in ...

Steve Price, one of the judges on the Fox television show “Domino ... world record for the longest domino wall ever created. ... © 2017 The Romine Group, Inc. (586) ...

All Domino World Records

Another record broken on the set of the “German Domino Record 2017” event was the record for the “Largest 2D Domino Pyramid”. With a total height of 3.024 ...

Biggest domino show with world record

At the third German Domino Record event, which was held in 2017, 500,000 dominoes toppled. Our show additionally broke two Guinness world records: for the most ...


DominoDayisaworldrecordattemptforthehighestnumberoftopplingdominostones,organizedfrom1998to2009byEndemolNetherlands.,StevePrice,oneofthejudgesontheFoxtelevisionshow“Domino...worldrecordforthelongestdominowallevercreated....©2017TheRomineGroup,Inc.(586) ...,Anotherrecordbrokenonthesetofthe“GermanDominoRecord2017”eventwastherecordforthe“Largest2DDominoPyramid”.Withatotalheightof3.024 ...,Attheth...