The Doll's House by Katherine Mansfield

In“TheDoll'sHouse,”Mansfielddepictsthecrueltyofclassdiscriminationinflictedupontwolittlegirlsandexamineshowchildrenlearntheirbehavior ...,TheDoll'sHouseisa1922shortstorybyKatherineMansfield.ItwasfirstpublishedinTheNationandAtheneumon4February1922...。參考影片的文章的如下:


The Doll's House Full Text and Analysis

In “The Doll's House,” Mansfield depicts the cruelty of class discrimination inflicted upon two little girls and examines how children learn their behavior ...

The Doll's House (short story)

The Doll's House is a 1922 short story by Katherine Mansfield. It was first published in The Nation and Atheneum on 4 February 1922.

The Doll's House (short story)

A Modernist short story originally published in The Nation and Athenaeum. Sometimes titled as At Karori in other editions.

評分 3.0 (3) Set in England and New Zealand, these four short stories are funny, sad and often cruel. 閱讀更多 ...

The Doll's House

The Doll's House. by Katherine Mansfield. WHEN dear old Mrs. Hay went back to town after staying with the Burnells she sent the children a doll's house. It ...

The Doll's House by Katherine Mansfield Plot Summary

A doll's house arrives at the Burnell home as a gift. The dollhouse smells so strongly of paint that Aunt Beryl thinks it could make someone ...

[PDF] The Doll's House (1922) by Catherine Mansfield

The family moved back to Wellington in 1898, to a large, spacious house with rolling gardens. Katherine attended Wellington Girls' High School in 1898– 1899. It.

The Doll's House by Katherine Mansfield

評分 3.6 (783) The Doll's House is a short story by Katherine Mansfield. It was first published in The Nation and Athenaeum on 4 February 1922, and subsequently appeared in ...

Katherine Mansfield's The Doll's House

In the opening scene of Katherine Mansfield's story The Garden Party,. Laura, an upper-class girl of about sixteen identified as the artistic one.

The Doll's House

An analysis of the narrative methods of Mansfield's short story, considering how she presents adult social snobbery and children.


In“TheDoll'sHouse,”Mansfielddepictsthecrueltyofclassdiscriminationinflictedupontwolittlegirlsandexamineshowchildrenlearntheirbehavior ...,TheDoll'sHouseisa1922shortstorybyKatherineMansfield.ItwasfirstpublishedinTheNationandAtheneumon4February1922.,AModernistshortstoryoriginallypublishedinTheNationandAthenaeum.SometimestitledasAtKaroriinothereditions.,評分3.0(3)SetinEnglandandNewZealand,thesefo...