
Antonio Vivaldi's Four Seasons: Winter

In this analysis, I will be focusing on Winter, which is said to depict “the horrible wind.” Typical of the Baroque era, Vivaldi composed this ...

Discover Winter from Vivaldi's Four Seasons

The outer movements musically describe wintry scenes like falling snow, chilling wind gusts, slipping on the ice and even the sound of our teeth ...

Story Behind The Four Seasons by Vivaldi

” Apart from harboring inspiration from the seasons, the concertos were influenced by a set of four sonnets crafted about summer, winter, autumn, and spring.

Vivaldi's Four Seasons | Composer & Analysis - Lesson

Vivaldi's Four Seasons is characterized by the fast-slow-fast pattern of the movements, the concerto form, and program music. It is also an example of polyphony ...

The Four Seasons: Winter by Antonio Vivaldi

This analysis of Antonio Vivaldi “Winter” explores the harmonic and dynamics in the composition. Read this sample if you need to analyze Vivaldi's “Winter.”

Antonio Vivaldi and the “Four Seasons” explained

Winter. The opening notes depict the slow, persistent fall of snowflakes, and the rapid trills of the violins represent the chattering of teeth ...

Antonio Vivaldi – The Four Seasons

In the first movement of 'Winter' Vivaldi brilliantly conveys the biting cold, gusting wind, trembling bodies, and chattering teeth on his beloved violin.

[PDF] Antonio Vivaldi

It follows the outline of a brief text (probably by Vivaldi himself) that describes ice, snow, wind, stamping feet, and chattering teeth. flamboyant.


In general, the full orchestra reflects general text, while the solo violin illustrates pictorial detail. Here is a summary of The Four Seasons:


A video walkthrough for Vivaldi's Winter Concerto from The Four Seasons. Follow the analysis or just enjoy the music.


Inthisanalysis,IwillbefocusingonWinter,whichissaidtodepict“thehorriblewind.”TypicaloftheBaroqueera,Vivaldicomposedthis ...,Theoutermovementsmusicallydescribewintrysceneslikefallingsnow,chillingwindgusts,slippingontheiceandeventhesoundofourteeth ...,”Apartfromharboringinspirationfromtheseasons,theconcertoswereinfluencedbyasetoffoursonnetscraftedaboutsummer,winter,autumn,andspring.,Vivaldi'sFour...