
The Machine (2023 film)

The Machine is a 2023 American action comedy film directed by Peter Atencio, inspired by the 2016 stand-up routine of the same name created by Bert ...

The Machine (2013 film)

The Machine is a 2013 British science fiction thriller film directed and written by Caradog W. James. It stars Caity Lotz and Toby Stephens as computer ...

‎The Machine

在Apple Music 聆聽The Machine的音樂。 尋找The Machine最熱門的歌曲和專輯,包括《Grand Canyon (Sped Up)》、《Unforgettable Holiday》 及更多作品。

The Machine

Bert Kreischer rose to fame as a stand-up comedian known as The Machine, and in his signature set he recounts his true experience with Russian mobsters ...

The Machine (2023)

評分 5.7/10 (16,967) Bert's drunken past catches up with him 20 years down the road when he and his father are kidnapped by those Bert wronged 20 years ago while drunk on a college ... The Machine · Full Cast & Crew · Iva B

The Machine (2013)

評分 6/10 (32,431) In efforts to construct perfect android killing machines in a war against China, UK scientists exceed their goal and create a sentient robot. The Machine · Parents guide · 5 of 65 · Release info

Watch The Machine

A debauched college trip haunts a washed-up comedian decades later when a Russian mobster with a vendetta kidnaps him and his crotchety father.

The Machine (2023)

評分 31% (26) Bert Kreischer rose to fame as a stand-up comedian known as The Machine, and in his signature set he recounts his true experience with Russian mobsters ...

THE MACHINE - Official Red Band Trailer (HD)

THE MACHINE - Official Red Band Trailer (HD) · Comments1.7K. Ben (undead77). Mark Hamill is just living his best life right now. 16: ...


TheMachineisa2023AmericanactioncomedyfilmdirectedbyPeterAtencio,inspiredbythe2016stand-uproutineofthesamenamecreatedbyBert ...,TheMachineisa2013BritishsciencefictionthrillerfilmdirectedandwrittenbyCaradogW.James.ItstarsCaityLotzandTobyStephensascomputer ...,在AppleMusic聆聽TheMachine的音樂。尋找TheMachine最熱門的歌曲和專輯,包括《GrandCanyon(SpedUp)》、《UnforgettableHoliday》及更多作品。,Bert...