
D2:TheMightyDucks(alsoknownasTheMightyDucks2)isa1994Americanfamilysportscomedy-dramafilmdirectedbySamWeisman.,D2:TheMightyDucks:DirectedbySamWeisman.WithEmilioEstevez,KathrynErbe,MichaelTucker,JanRubes.CanGordon'steamwintheJuniorGoodwillGames ......。參考影片的文章的如下:



D2: The Mighty Ducks (also known as The Mighty Ducks 2) is a 1994 American family sports comedy-drama film directed by Sam Weisman.


D2: The Mighty Ducks: Directed by Sam Weisman. With Emilio Estevez, Kathryn Erbe, Michael Tucker, Jan Rubes. Can Gordon's team win the Junior Goodwill Games ...

D2: The Mighty Ducks

Amazon.com: D2: The Mighty Ducks : Emilio Estevez, Kathryn Erbe, Michael Tucker, Jan Rubes, Carsten Norgaard, Maria Ellingsen, Joshua Jackson, Elden Henson, ...


This film is reasonably entertaining and competently made, but not complicated. D2 follows the same formula as its predecessor, The Mighty Ducks ...

D2: The Mighty Ducks | Disney Wiki

D2: The Mighty Ducks also known as The Mighty Ducks 2 is the second film in The Mighty Ducks trilogy and the first theatrical sequel to The Mighty Ducks, ...

Watch D2

D2: The Mighty Ducks. Duck power triumphs again when everyone's favorite peewee hockey team returns to the ice for more slapshot action and slapstick laughter.

“Cast” credits - D2

Cast (62) · Emilio Estevez · Kathryn Erbe · Michael Tucker · Jan Rubes · Carsten Norgaard · Maria Ellingsen · Joshua Jackson · Elden Henson. Fulton (as Elden ...


D2:TheMightyDucks(alsoknownasTheMightyDucks2)isa1994Americanfamilysportscomedy-dramafilmdirectedbySamWeisman.,D2:TheMightyDucks:DirectedbySamWeisman.WithEmilioEstevez,KathrynErbe,MichaelTucker,JanRubes.CanGordon'steamwintheJuniorGoodwillGames ...,Amazon.com:D2:TheMightyDucks:EmilioEstevez,KathrynErbe,MichaelTucker,JanRubes,CarstenNorgaard,MariaEllingsen,JoshuaJackson,EldenHenson, ...,Thisfilmi...