
Thumbelina (1978 film)

Thumbelina is a 1978 Japanese anime fantasy film produced by Toei Animation and Tezuka Productions based on the fairy tale of the same name by Hans ...

Thumbelina (1994 film)

Thumbelina is a 1994 American independent animated musical fantasy film directed by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman, based on the story of the same name by Hans ...

Watch Thumbelina

This retelling of the Hans Christian Andersen classic fairy tale has the digit-sized heroine evading the clutches of various toads, moles, ...

Thumbelina (1994)

This retelling of the Hans Christian Andersen classic fairy tale has the digit-sized heroine evading the clutches of various toads, moles, ...

Thumbelina (Video 1992)

Thumbelina: Directed by Masakazu Higuchi, Chinami Namba. The dam where Thumbelina and her father live is breaking due to the rising waters in the nearby ...


Movie Info. Synopsis Born of a flower and growing to only a couple of inches tall, poor Thumbelina (Jodi Benson) is worried she'll never meet someone her own ...


Thumbelinaisa1978JapaneseanimefantasyfilmproducedbyToeiAnimationandTezukaProductionsbasedonthefairytaleofthesamenamebyHans ...,Thumbelinaisa1994AmericanindependentanimatedmusicalfantasyfilmdirectedbyDonBluthandGaryGoldman,basedonthestoryofthesamenamebyHans ...,ThisretellingoftheHansChristianAndersenclassicfairytalehasthedigit-sizedheroineevadingtheclutchesofvarioustoads,moles, ...,Thisretellin...

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