Ticker timer



TICKER TAPE中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典

TICKER TAPE翻譯:(過去使用的)自動收報機用紙帶,電報紙條(用以列印不斷變化的訊息,如股價), (螢幕上用文字顯示新聞或股價的)滾動資訊區。了解更多。

TICKER TAPE中文(簡體)翻譯:劍橋詞典

TICKER TAPE翻譯:(过去使用的)自动收报机用纸带,电报纸条(用以打印不断变化的信息,如股价), (屏幕上用文字显示新闻或股价的)滚动信息区。了解更多。

Ticker tape

The ticker tape revolutionized financial markets, as it relayed information from trading floors continuously and simultaneously across geographical distances.

Ticker Tape

The object of Ticker Tape is to buy and sell commodities with your friends to see who can be the biggest Wall Street Fat-Cat! - Speculate low value stocks will ...

ticker tape

ticker tape. 美式. ph. 收報用紙帶. Dr.eye 譯典通 · ticker tape · 查看更多. n. 自動收報機紙帶. 牛津中文字典. ticker tape.

Ticker Tape Two

書名:Ticker Tape Two,語言:英文,ISBN:9781728373263,頁數:56,作者:Butler, J. M.,出版日期:2020/09/08,類別:文學.

TICKER TAPE Definition & Meaning - Merriam

noun : the paper ribbon on which a telegraphic ticker prints off its information Examples of ticker tape in a Sentence


ISBN13:9781911027171. 出版社:Nine Arches Press. 作者:Rishi Dastidar. 出版日:2017/03/01. 裝訂/頁數:平裝/72頁. 規格:21.6cm (高). 定價:NT$ 549 元.


Track your stocks and mutual fund investments · Connect multiple demat accounts in one go · Compare your Diversification Score with peers' top fund choices ...

