
Tilt-Shift Photography

Tilt-shift photography involves applying a miniaturization effect to the image, which makes the scene look like a toy model.

Tilt–shift photography

Tilt–shift photography is the use of camera movements that change the orientation or position of the lens with respect to the film or image sensor on ...

Tilt-shift photography

The tilt effect alters the focal plane of the image, but the shift effect alters an image's perspective. With the Shift knob, you can move the lens up and down ...

Eye-catching ways to use tilt-shift lenses

Thanks to their high degree of control over perspective and depth of field, tilt-shift lenses are often associated with architectural photography.

Master Tilt-Shift Photography with Our Definitive Guide

Tilt-shift photography is based on the technique of manipulating focus and perspective. It allows photographers to capture and present images in ...

Tilt-Shift Photography Tutorial — Nico Goodden

Creating a tilt-shift effect on photos simulates using a tilt-shift lens. It creates an optical illusion. It tricks the eye and brain of the viewer.

Tilt-Shift Photography: A Beginner's Guide

In this beginner's guide, learn how to create stunning miniature effects, plus creative applications for portrait, landscape, and architectural photos.

Creating Artistic Portraits Using A Tilt-Shift Lens

A tilt-shift lens is a specialized lens designed for two primary purposes: 1) changing the plane of focus, and 2) minimizing distortion. In the ...

50 Beautiful Examples Of Tilt-Shift Photography

Tilt-shift photography is a creative and unique type of photography in which the camera is manipulated so that a life-sized location or subject ...


Tilt-shiftphotographyinvolvesapplyingaminiaturizationeffecttotheimage,whichmakesthescenelooklikeatoymodel.,Tilt–shiftphotographyistheuseofcameramovementsthatchangetheorientationorpositionofthelenswithrespecttothefilmorimagesensoron ...,Thetilteffectaltersthefocalplaneoftheimage,buttheshifteffectaltersanimage'sperspective.WiththeShiftknob,youcanmovethelensupanddown ...,Thankstotheirhighdegreeof...