Create a Miniature Tilt



Tilt-Shift Lenses vs Fixing it in Photoshop

Tilt-shift lenses are by far my favorite types of lenses; they offer so much versatility, especially when you're shooting architecture.

How to Easily Simulate a Tilt

Click on Filters > Blur Gallery >Tilt-Shift. This brings you into the tilt-shift blur module of Photoshop.

Tilt-shift photography

Photographers use tilt-shift lenses to achieve depth of field and perspective effects in-camera that you can otherwise only approximate with digital tools.

Tilt-Shift Photography Tutorial — Nico Goodden

Creating a tilt-shift effect on photos simulates using a tilt-shift lens. It creates an optical illusion. It tricks the eye and brain of the viewer.

Miniature Effect With Tilt

How To Create A Miniature Tilt-Shift Effect · Step 1: Duplicate The Background Layer · Step 2: Select The Tilt-Shift Filter · Step 3: Adjust The Blur Amount.

How To Create A Miniature, Tilt-shift Effect In Photoshop

Unlock the fascinating world of miniature tilt-shift effects in Photoshop with this comprehensive tutorial! Join me as I guide you through ...

Photoshop tilt shift effect, Honey, I shrunk the harbor.

How to make a photo look like a tiny miniature model in Photoshop with the tilt shift filter. This Photoshop tutorial by Colin Smith shows ...

