台灣加油!!!縮時台灣縮時攝影TIME LAPSE TAIWAN BY louisch ...



time has lapsed - 英中 - Linguee

大量翻译例句关于time has lapsed – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。

time lapse - 英中

A time-lapse movie shows the changes in a particular scene that occur over time.



time lapse 在英語中的意思

time lapse 在英語中的意思 ... a period of time between related events: The documents are now being made available after a 30-year time lapse.

Time-lapse photography

Time-lapse photography is a technique in which the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than the frequency used to ...

Time Lapse camera

評分 3.7 (83,295) · 免費 · Android Time Lapse 是對通常肉眼無法察覺的慢速過程的快速回放。 Photo Lapse 是一種新的Time Lapse,我們為從1 天到無限時間的長期過程而發明的。該剪輯由照片組成,描繪了不斷變化 ...


time-lapse ... other 表示以固定間隔拍攝一系列幀以記錄隨時間推移緩慢發生的變化的攝影技術。以正常速度或快速連續顯示幀時,動作似乎快得多。

Time–lapse Definition & Meaning

used to describe a way of filming something in which many photographs are taken over a long period of time and are shown quickly in a series.

TIME-LAPSE Definition & Meaning - Merriam

7 天前 · : of, relating to, or constituting a motion picture made so that when projected a slow action (such as the opening of a flower bud) appears to be speeded up.

Timelapse, time-lapse, or time lapse?

So from here on in at Time-lapse Solutions, the official spelling will now be time-lapse. And that feels so good now it is finally settled. If ...

