

SetTimerResolution is used to request a higher resolution. To automatically start a hidden instance of the program when the system starts and raise the ...


2023年6月14日 — 從Windows 8.1開始,驅動程式可以使用ExXxxTimer 常式來管理高解析度計時器。

Setting Windows Timer Resolution to 0.5 = Less Stutter ...

2023年5月30日 — I discovered that setting Windows Timer Resolution to 0.5 somewhat helps to decrease stuttering. It doesn't completely fix everything, ...

Timer Resolution

2023年1月18日 — Timer Resolution is a tool that can help Windows gamers achieve better performance and smoother gameplay by fine-tuning their timer resolution ...

Timer Resolution 1.2 Download

2024年3月5日 — The standard timer on Windows can vary between 10 and 25 milliseconds. Just hit download button in order to download portable version of it.

Timer Resolution 1.2 Free Download for Windows 10 ...

2023年1月4日 — Timer Resolution lets you change your default Windows timer's resolution in seconds and consequently improves the FPS for the games you are ...


2023年6月13日 — 在設定任何計時器事件之前,此範例會使用timeBeginPeriod 函式建立最小計時器解析度。 #define TARGET_RESOLUTION 1 // 1-millisecond target resolution ...


SetTimerResolutionisusedtorequestahigherresolution.Toautomaticallystartahiddeninstanceoftheprogramwhenthesystemstartsandraisethe ...,2023年6月14日—從Windows8.1開始,驅動程式可以使用ExXxxTimer常式來管理高解析度計時器。,2023年5月30日—IdiscoveredthatsettingWindowsTimerResolutionto0.5somewhathelpstodecreasestuttering.Itdoesn'tcompletelyfixeverything, ...,2023年1月18日—TimerResolutionisatoolthatcan...

Shutdown8 1.08 自動關機的方便工具

Shutdown8 1.08 自動關機的方便工具
