How to use Todoist & Google Calendar Together (2

TheTodoistcalendarfeedsetsupaone-waysyncfromTodoisttoanycalendarappthatsupportscalendarfeedsubscriptions.Youcanseeallyourscheduled ...,AddnewGoogleCalendareventstoTodoist.Fortunately,it'seasytoconnectyourtaskandcalendarappssoyounevermissameetingo...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Add a Todoist calendar feed

The Todoist calendar feed sets up a one-way sync from Todoist to any calendar app that supports calendar feed subscriptions. You can see all your scheduled ...

Connect your Google Calendar to Todoist integration in 2 ...

Add new Google Calendar events to Todoist. Fortunately, it's easy to connect your task and calendar apps so you never miss a meeting or deadline again. Here's ...

Google Calendar

A real-time, two-way sync between Todoist and Google Calendar lets you visualize, organize, and prioritize your tasks directly inside your calendar.

Todoist 和Google 日曆可以即時雙向同步任務了!

2017年5月18日 — 接著在設定的「整合」頁面,就會看到新增的Google Calendar 連接功能,按下「連接」即可。免費版「 Todoist 」用戶也可以使用這個功能。 若是對「 Todoist ...

Troubleshoot the Todoist and Google Calendar integration

Sync your Google Calendar manually with your Todoist account: Click your avatar in the top-left. Select Settings. Select the Integrations tab. Scroll down to ...

Use Google Calendar with Todoist

Log in to Todoist at Go to the project that your Google Calendar events have been synced to. If you're unsure which project was synced, ...

You Can Now Integrate Google Calendar and Todoist

Visualize, organize, and prioritize your tasks for the day, week, and month by syncing your Todoist and your Google Calendar.

为Todoist 项创建Google Calendar 事件并发送通知

为Todoist 项创建Google 日历事件时发送推送通知.


TheTodoistcalendarfeedsetsupaone-waysyncfromTodoisttoanycalendarappthatsupportscalendarfeedsubscriptions.Youcanseeallyourscheduled ...,AddnewGoogleCalendareventstoTodoist.Fortunately,it'seasytoconnectyourtaskandcalendarappssoyounevermissameetingordeadlineagain.Here's ...,Areal-time,two-waysyncbetweenTodoistandGoogleCalendarletsyouvisualize,organize,andprioritizeyourtasksdirectlyinsideyourcalen...

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