Inception (2010 film)



Casting Tom Hardy In Inception Was A No

2022年8月29日 — You might not immediately think of Tom Hardy as a funnyman, but Christopher Nolan knew the actor could help lighten up Inception a bit.


... Tom Hardy, Cillian Murphy, Tom Berenger, Dileep Rao, and Michael Caine. Inception. A man in a suit with a gun in his right hand is flanked by five. Theatrical ...

Inception (2010)

Inception: Directed by Christopher Nolan. With Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Elliot Page, Tom Hardy. A thief who steals corporate secrets through ...

Tom Hardy

Tom Hardy - Inception · Instagram Photo Feed · 자전거&길 · Eames and Arthur- funniest/most entertaining characters in inception · Always a repin Dreamesie Eamesie..

Why Christopher Nolan Cast A Then

2 天前 — Tom Hardy is a huge movie star, but before 2010's Inception he was a much lesser-known actor. Here's why Christopher Nolan cast him as Eames.

特務愛很大- Tom-Hardy

Tom-Hardy-Inception · x0 · add.


2022年8月29日—YoumightnotimmediatelythinkofTomHardyasafunnyman,butChristopherNolanknewtheactorcouldhelplightenupInceptionabit.,...TomHardy,CillianMurphy,TomBerenger,DileepRao,andMichaelCaine.Inception.Amaninasuitwithaguninhisrighthandisflankedbyfive.Theatrical ...,Inception:DirectedbyChristopherNolan.WithLeonardoDiCaprio,JosephGordon-Levitt,ElliotPage,TomHardy.Athiefwhostealscorporatesecretsth...