
DJ Software

As Native Instruments' flagship DJ app, TRAKTOR PRO 3 features a club-grade DJ workflow that is used in bars, booths, and on the biggest stages in the world.

DJ.Studio vs Traktor

2023年11月13日 — DJ.Studio is more productive and precise, while Traktor is better for live DJing. For the most versatility, DJs should consider using both ...

NI發表Traktor DJ 2,不需付費即可簡單體驗Traktor

而NI(Native Instruments)在這幾天推出了Traktor DJ 2,觸角可說是要延伸到更多角落。 主要是Traktor DJ 2可以支援在iPad,macOS和Windows這些系統中使用,最重要的是,

Traktor DJ 2

TRAKTOR DJ 2 is a DJ app without barriers; it's free, SoundCloud Go+ integration means you have access to an endless track collection, and TRAKTOR's song ...

Traktor DJ Studio Ignite!

書名:Traktor DJ Studio Ignite!: The Visual Guide For New Users,語言:英文,ISBN:1592006779,頁數:302,作者:White, R. D.,出版日期:2005/09/23, ...

Traktor DJ Studio Ignite!

Traktor DJ Studio X Ignite! provides an introduction to the fundamentals of Native Instruments' most popular software product, Traktor DJ Studio.

traktor dj studio(dj调音台软件)下载

2023年12月30日 — traktor dj studio官方版是由世界著名音乐软件公司NI开发的一款专业的dj调音台软件,该软件可以直接让使用者接加载mp3、aiff或是音乐CD等格式的音乐来 ...

【Original DJ Studio】NI Traktor Kontrol S2 MK2

TRAKTOR KONTROL S2 是入門TRAKTOR PRO 數位DJ 世界的捷徑! S2 由數位DJ 工業標準Native Instruments 打造, 內建2 軌虛擬唱盤加兩個Remix Decks, 採用Traktor Kontrol ...


AsNativeInstruments'flagshipDJapp,TRAKTORPRO3featuresaclub-gradeDJworkflowthatisusedinbars,booths,andonthebiggeststagesintheworld.,2023年11月13日—DJ.Studioismoreproductiveandprecise,whileTraktorisbetterforliveDJing.Forthemostversatility,DJsshouldconsiderusingboth ...,而NI(NativeInstruments)在這幾天推出了TraktorDJ2,觸角可說是要延伸到更多角落。主要是TraktorDJ2可以支援在iPad,macOS和Windows這些...