Apex Central Isolation Testing - Action 2

2009年2月17日—WebReputationServicesworksbycheckingeverywebaddressyouattempttovisitinawebbrowserandblockingaccesstothosefoundinalist ...,WebReputationServices.QuerythesafetyratingandcontenttypeofaURL...Iftheassignedratingisincorrect,sendare-classi...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Trend Micro Web Reputation Services enabled to help battle ...

2009年2月17日 — Web Reputation Services works by checking every web address you attempt to visit in a web browser and blocking access to those found in a list ...

Web Reputation Services

Web Reputation Services. Query the safety rating and content type of a URL ... If the assigned rating is incorrect, send a re-classification request to Trend ...

Web Reputation Services - Online Help Center

Web reputation blocks web pages based on their reputation ratings. When enabled, Web reputation helps deter users from accessing malicious URLs.

Web Reputation Services

Web reputation features help ensure that the web pages that users access are safe and free from web threats, such as malware, spyware, and phishing scams that ...


網頁信譽評等技術會依據諸如網站的存在時間長短、位置變更記錄,以及透過惡意程式行為分析所發現的可疑活動指標等因素來指定信譽評等評分,以追蹤Web 網域的可信度。

Trend Micro Site Safety Center

We've advanced how we apply web reputation to keep pace with new types of ... This free service has been made available so that you can check the safety of a ...

All about Trend Micro Web Reputation Services

Trend Micro Web Reputation Service is a service designed to protect customers by browsing pages visited by Trend Micro customers, in order to analyze your site ...




2009年2月17日—WebReputationServicesworksbycheckingeverywebaddressyouattempttovisitinawebbrowserandblockingaccesstothosefoundinalist ...,WebReputationServices.QuerythesafetyratingandcontenttypeofaURL...Iftheassignedratingisincorrect,sendare-classificationrequesttoTrend ...,Webreputationblockswebpagesbasedontheirreputationratings.Whenenabled,WebreputationhelpsdeterusersfromaccessingmaliciousURLs...