
AR Series: All Rounder

We now present the AR01, the perfect combination of Aero, stiffness, lightweight – feel and ride innovation, ride with AR01.


The Strengths of AR01:Integration without the hassle and the sore hands、No asphalt、Vortex-Tubing Technology、Carbon aero cover big gains in small places ...

High-tech Carbon Road Bikes

Experience the pinnacle of cycling excellence with Trigon's cutting-edge carbon road bikes-with high-grade, proprietary composite materials.

Profile for TRIGON BIKE

評分 5.0 (8) TRIGON BIKE. 4809 likes · 12 talking about this. Crafting our own carbon bike for dreamers and achievers. #AccomplishBeyondGoals #RidewithTRIGON.

RC Series: Road Classic

Introducing the classic road bikes: Trigon RC Series. The elements from the shape, geometry to the carbon fiber lay-up are all based on our knowledge and ...

TRIGON BIKE (@trigon_bike) • Instagram photos and videos

Crafting our own carbon bikes for dreamers and achievers. #AccomplishBeyondGoals #RidewithTRIGON #RoadtoParis2024.


TRIGON - more than just a brand, we make our own bikes. We believe different bikes should have different design concepts, performance and characteristics. About trigon · News | TRIGON · Trigon road bike tech · AR Series: All Rounder

Trigon Bikes

商品系列: Trigon Bikes. Trigon 來自台灣, 25年來專精於碳纖維零件的製造,時至今日,從挑選碳纖紗、疊層用的樹脂到碳纖布的堆疊,TRIGON皆能在自己廠內手工完成,無庸置疑, ...


CHALLENGE 105 EDCO 建議售價53,800元 ; 車架材質 · TRIGON RQC29 CARBON C8(UCI認證) ; 車架尺寸 · 49cm ; 前叉 · TRIGON RC52S HM CARBON(UCI認證) ; 車架重量 · 980g(49cm) ; 前 ...


在Great Go Cycles Inc.,我們致力於提供頂尖的自行車產品,同時通過ODM(原廠委託設計製造)服務協助客戶實現創新產品的開發。我們的使命是將創新的想法轉化為現實,並擁有數十 ...


WenowpresenttheAR01,theperfectcombinationofAero,stiffness,lightweight–feelandrideinnovation,ridewithAR01.,TheStrengthsofAR01:Integrationwithoutthehassleandthesorehands、Noasphalt、Vortex-TubingTechnology、Carbonaerocoverbiggainsinsmallplaces ...,ExperiencethepinnacleofcyclingexcellencewithTrigon'scutting-edgecarbonroadbikes-withhigh-grade,proprietarycompositematerials.,評分5.0(8)TRIGONBIKE.4...