
About Face ID advanced technology

The TrueDepth camera captures accurate face data by projecting and analyzing thousands of invisible dots to create a depth map of your face and also captures an ...

Apple's TrueDepth Camera

2023年5月22日 — A TrueDepth camera projects thousands of dots onto your face, like a mesh net made of invisible lines. It's a proprietary technology that Apple ...

Hardware components of the TrueDepth camera system ...

Download scientific diagram | Hardware components of the TrueDepth camera system, which is integrated in the upper part of the smartphone.

How Apple's iPhone X TrueDepth Camera Works

2017年9月14日 — TrueDepth starts with a traditional 7MP front-facing selfie camera. It adds an infrared emitter that projects over 30,000 dots in a known ...

iPhone X 的TrueDepth Camera — 體感時代來臨?

2017年11月9日 — True-Depth Camera 的組成元件. True-Depth Camera 的基本元件主要有彩色攝影機( RGB Camera )、紅外線攝影機( IR Camera )及遠紅外線投射器( ...

TrueDepth - Apple Wiki

TrueDepth refers to front-facing cameras with a Dot projector in Apple devices that provide depth data in real time along with visual information. The system ...

TrueDepth camera

2023年3月30日 — As a LiDAR depth sensor, the TrueDepth camera projects thousands of invisible dots and analyzes them to create a depth map on the scanned body ...

What is a TrueDepth camera? All about the iPhone ...

2022年9月5日 — The TrueDepth camera works by projecting thousands of invisible dots onto your face and analysing them to create a depth map of your face. The ...


TheTrueDepthcameracapturesaccuratefacedatabyprojectingandanalyzingthousandsofinvisibledotstocreateadepthmapofyourfaceandalsocapturesan ...,2023年5月22日—ATrueDepthcameraprojectsthousandsofdotsontoyourface,likeameshnetmadeofinvisiblelines.It'saproprietarytechnologythatApple ...,Downloadscientificdiagram|HardwarecomponentsoftheTrueDepthcamerasystem,whichisintegratedintheupperpartofthesmartphone....